- Author:
Maryna A. Naidych
- Institution:
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The study is prepared at the Department of International Information of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. The paper describes the healthcare system in Ukraine. The basic legal documents that relate directly to this issue are considered. The main health threats for Ukrainian youth are defined. Some of the social programs and projects related to healthy lifestyle of Ukrainian youth are examined.
- Author:
Pavol Bartík
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The contribution is presenting the results of research realized with a sample of 744 respondents from the Banska Bystrica region. It is possible to deduce from the obtained answers that cigarette smoking – even despite anti-smoking education – is still attractive and popular. This is proved for example by 38% of pupils aged 10–11 who have already tried smoking as well as 25% of pupils who repeatedly smoked. Out of the whole sample of respondents, up to 65% of them tried smoking and 56.5% smoked again. Concurrently with the raising age of pupils there increases also the number of those who repeated smoking, so that in the category of 17–18 years of age it reaches as many as 71.5%. The numbers of pupils smoking on a daily basis are alarming (13–14 years of age 69.8%, 17–18 years of age 63%), and they are higher than those reported by other authors. The most frequent reason for first cigarette smoking was curiosity, around 75%. Pupils in most cases judge that sports can be a proper tool against smoking. Only 15.4% of them answered negatively. A relatively low percentage of respondents think that a sportsman must not smoke (55.6%); we assumed that there would be a larger number of them.