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Punktacja czasopism naukowych Wydawnictwa Adam Marszałek według wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych, ogłoszonego przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki 17 lipca 2023 r.

Scoring of scientific journals of Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek according to the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, announced by the Minister of Education and Science on July 17, 2023.

  • Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne – 100 pts
  • Edukacja Międzykulturowa – 100 pts
  • Historia Slavorum Occidentis – 100 pts
  • Polish Political Science Yearbook – 100 pts
  • Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego – 100 pts
  • The New Educational Review – 100 pts
  • Art of the Orient – 70 pts
  • Italica Wratislaviensia – 70 pts
  • Nowa Polityka Wschodnia – 70 pts
  • Polish Biographical Studies – 70 pts
  • Azja-Pacyfik - 40 pts
  • Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie – 40 pts
  • Kultura i Edukacja – 40 pts
  • Reality of Politics - 40 pts
  • Studia Orientalne – 40 pts
  • Sztuka Ameryki Łacińskiej – 40 pts
  • Annales Collegii Nobilium Opolienses – 20 pts
  • Cywilizacja i Polityka – 20 pts
  • Defence Science Review - 20 pts
  • Pomiędzy. Polsko-Ukraińskie Studia Interdyscyplinarne – 20 pts
  • African Journal of Economics, Politics and Social Studies - 0 pts
  • Copernicus Political and Legal Studies - 0 pts
  • Copernicus. Czasy Nowożytne i Współczesne - 0 pts
  • Copernicus. De Musica - 0 pts
  • Viae Educationis. Studies of Education and Didactics - 0 pts


New journals

Co-published journals

Past journals

Coloquia Communia

Coloquia Communia

Paedagogia Christiana

Paedagogia Christiana

The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Peculiarity of Man

The Peculiarity of Man

Czasopisma Marszalek.com.pl

Spór o użyteczność teorii inteligentnego projektu dla nauki

  • Author: Dariusz Sagan
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 28-49
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2013.03.02
  • PDF: kie/96/kie9602.pdf

Dispute over the Utility of the Intelligent Design Theory for Science

According to intelligent design theory, certain biological and cosmic phenomena were designed by an intelligent being, which could be just as well natural and supernatural. This design is to be scientifically detectable in basically similar fashion as in the case of the effects of the purposeful activity of man. However, critics pose an objection that unscientific character of this theory is discernible in that it is not useful for science because it does not inspire new scientific research and thus it is stopping the progress of science. It is claimed that this theory could easily explain any phenomenon, referring to the category of „intelligent design”, and in this case the word „explanation” has ironic overtone. It is indicated also that proponents of intelligent design theory do not publish the results of their research in renowned scientific journals. This objection could be answered in twofold way: methodological and sociological in character. According to the first answer, science does not depend solely on inspiring new research but also on offering a new view of the known facts, and the design conclusion could be made and justified independently of whether it enables to gain knowledge of its maker or method of its accomplishment. The second answer is that development of novel theories is in large degree hampered by the resistance of the defenders of an orthodox theory, and of established understanding of science, who basically do not display tolerance for revolutionary theories. The mechanisms such as the procedure of reviewing of articles or financing of research projects system, controlled by the defenders of status quo, are of great importance in that case. The chances to receive the grants which could facilitate and accelerate the development of a new, going against the status quo theory, as well as to publish articles inspired by this theory in recognized scientific journals are minuscule, and the change of such situation requires the change of the preference pattern in the world of science.

Postrzeganie realizacji wolności akademickiej przez nauczycieli akademickich w Polsce

  • Author: Monika Stachowiak-Kudła
  • Institution: Uniwersytet w Siedlcach
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5718-454X
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 273-288
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2023.06.20
  • PDF: ppk/76/ppk7620.pdf

Perception of the Implementation of Academic Freedom by Academic Teachers in Poland

Stemming from the theory of the perception of human rights, the article identifies the main types of violations of academic freedom in Polish universities, the features of scientists, and the type of university the most often affected by these violations. The methods involve basic descriptive statistics measures and ordinary least squares regression. The study reveals that perceived academic freedom is higher for full professors or university professors than for assistant professors. The highest violations are felt by scientists holding lower academic positions but with long work experience. Academics employed at universities with a long tradition of education perceive the implementation of academic freedom more positively than their colleagues employed at universities with a short tradition of education.

University and the changes of contemporary culture

  • Author: Zbyszko Melosik
  • Institution: Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań
  • Year of publication: 2003
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-18
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/tner.
  • PDF: tner/200301/tner101.pdf

The article is devoted to problem of the relationship between university and contemporary culture. There are following main areas of the analysis: equality and inequality of educational opportunity at the higher education level, a role of general and specialist training in the students' teaching, academic freedom, hierarchical structure of university and pluralism of academic discourse. All these subjects are analysed against the background of a broader social and cultural condition

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