Zakaz terminacji ciąży z przyczyn embriopatologicznych jako przyczyna ekstremizacji istniejącego ładu aksjonormatywnego
- Institution: Akademia Humanitas
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 209-222
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/77/ppk7715.pdf
The Ban on Termination of Pregnancy for Embryopathological Reasons as a Reason for the Extremization of the Existing Axionormative Order
The main aim of the article is the attempt to decide whether the regulations on perinatal palliative care created by the parliamentary majority can justify the absolute ban on embryopathological abortion introduced by the Constitutional Tribunal? Of course, giving a clear answer to such questions is extremely difficult and will always be very subjective. This is why the author does not try to impose his own position on the admissibility/ inadmissibility of abortion for embryopathological reasons but tries to demonstrate that the adopted normative regulations regarding perinatal palliative care, to the extent that they constitute the only permissible option for parents, who receive the most terrible health diagnosis one’s unborn child should be seen in terms of legitimizing extremism.