- Author:
mgr Bartosz Szczepaniak
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Partnership NATO–Sweden
Article characterizes relations between most powerful military pact – Northern Atlantic Pact and neutral state – Sweden. In this article is analyzing cooperation on military ground, non-military ground and it is also analyzing aspects of cooperation involving neutral status of Sweden, Crimea annexation and growing danger from Russia. Studies connected to main theme of article were based on official documents od NATO, press notes or official releases. Main reason of article is to answer on question if neutral state can cooperate with NATO and can we say that between NATO and Sweden exists partnership relation. Except of above issues, in this article I will try to define neutrality, neutral policy and partnership. After made analysis of available documents, emphatically we can agree that partnership between NATO and Sweden exists.
- Author:
Magdalena El Ghamari
- Institution:
Collegium Civitas
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Deriving from the very concept, colere (culture) should indicate a significant, and at the same time, the main factor which is a human society. Culture exists in close proximity to people and their activities. Subsequently, through participation in a particular social group, everyone may create a system which is called culture. The foregoing interaction highlights the impact of culture on human behaviour and the people’s ability to model and create “the foundations of culture”. Culture forms the human individuality, which over time improves and enriches it, or on the contrary – affects its gradual loss. This means that man exists due to culture – and culture positively coexists or negatively disappears through human actions.
Dynamic trends in the civilizational development of countries, changes in the environment, progress in science, engineering and technology, and in particular information lead to the appearing of new socio-cultural tools for new policy scenarios of military security.
The constant dynamism of these phenomena requires, from our currently formed Armed Forces, mainly bearing the burden of maintaining military security, but also new, unconventional and at the same time resolute response, even to minor regional conflicts which incidentally may become dangerous for Poland over time. Responding to emerging threats will not be unilateral or brief, as the experiences in the former Yugoslavia and in the Middle East indicate.
For a long time, the security of the states was based on military force. Force and sovereignty were the cornerstones of the system of national states. The rest of the military structure was subordinated to the remaining components of the state, e.g., natural resources, geographic location, demographic potential, scientific and technological advancement, etc. Over time, this condition has changed. After the Second World War, two alliances of states centered around the empires of powerful military forces were formed. The rise of military potentials on both sides did not cause the necessity to their use. These potentials have become a great means of deterrence and political influence on their opponents.
- Author:
Maciej Herbut
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The term ‘praetorianism’ refers to countries in which the armed forces influence the political system. The army, as an institution, can develop its political power in two ways: in a “direct” and “indirect” fashion. While in the first case the armed forces take control over state institutions, the second is more sublime and is restricted to the building of more concealed methods of influence, such as blackmail. Additionally, the army itself, as the officers are not engaged into politics, shows a high level of political cohesion and military professionalism. Turkey is an example of a country in which a professional army, after decades of acquiring political experience and under favourable conditions, was and still is able to efficiently exert backstage politics. On one side, TSK (Turkish Armed Forces) has developed constitutional and legal means of influencing the government, and on the other, the high public trust in the armed forces allows it to, if necessary, effectively blackmail or even supplant disobedient cabinets.
- Author:
Michał Stelmach
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Łódzki
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Celem artykułu jest analiza nowych form militaryzmu i politycznej aktywności wojskowych w państwach Ameryki Łacińskiej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Poddaję analizie trzy wybrane formy udziału wojskowych w polityce. Rozpoczynam od uwag na temat interwencjonizmu wojskowego. Następnie skupiam się na fenomenie wojskowego prezydencjalizmu, czyli udziału w wyborach prezydenckich i pełnienia funkcji konstytucyjnych prezydentów przez byłych wojskowych, którzy w przeszłości łamali porządek konstytucyjny, inspirując i/lub przeprowadzając zamachy stanu lub sprawując dyktatorską władzę, a także łamali prawa człowieka w okresie dyktatur i wewnętrznych konfliktów zbrojnych. W dalszej kolejności badam problem militaryzacji partii politycznych, wskazując na zaangażowanie byłych wojskowych w tworzenie nowych partii politycznych reprezentujących interesy środowiska lub też zasilanie przez byłych wojskowych już istniejących partii politycznych.
- Author:
Benon Zbigniew Szałek
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The aim of this paper is to present some methodological reflections on hybrid activities (spaces, knowledge about spaces, comparison of spaces, dynamic spaces, coordination of hybrid activities, efficiency of “hybrid activities”).
- Author:
Fabian Boettcher
- E-mail:
- Institution:
FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management (Luxembourg)
- Published online:
20 June 2022
- Final submission:
24 April 2022
- Printed issue:
15 July 2022
- Source:
- Page no:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Within the context of increasingly digital work, it appeared interesting to look at how military leaders and their leadership style will have to adapt to remain “up-to-speed” with current challenges. It is qualitative research based on interviews with military and civilian experts. Four interviews have been conducted, but there would be the potential to interview many more experts and look deeper into the matter. Within the context of digitalised military leadership, the importance of communication and mutual trust has been underscored by the experts. They agreed that leaders nowadays must embrace digital developments and include them in their leadership styles. The civilian world can learn from the military when it comes to leadership approaches, which is happening at the time of publication of this article with practical examples (senior military leaders assigned to lead the pandemic task force in some countries). Overall, the outcome of the research is that a relevant and resilient military leadership style in the 21st century resembles the elements of the situational leadership style developed by Hersey-Blanchard.