- Author:
Ludmyła Khorużha
- Institution:
Kijowski Uniwersytet im. Borysa Grinczenki
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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W artykule zostały poddane analizie naukowe badania komparatystyczne ukraińskich uczonych dotyczące rozwoju pedagogiki w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz doświadczenia tego kraju w reformowaniu systemu edukacji w kontekście eurointegracji. Podkreślono, że dla ukraińskich uczonych polskie doświadczenia są najbardziej aktualne i interesujące, o czym świadczą liczne publikacje w czasopismach naukowych oraz dysertacje. Określono i przeanalizowano ponadto podstawowe grupy tematyczne takich badań, jak: rozwój edukacji uniwersyteckiej; edukacji międzykulturowej; profesjonalne przygotowywanie przyszłych nauczycieli; modernizacja edukacji zawodowej; transformacje w systemie edukacji szkolnej; nauczanie i wychowywanie uczniów; analiza sylwetek postaci historycznych, które włożyły wielki wkład w rozwój nauk pedagogicznych; nowe podejścia do zarządzania systemem edukacji. Odwołano się do fundamentalnych badań polskich uczonych w zakresie wymienionej problematyki. Sformułowano wniosek, zgodnie z którym polskie szkoły naukowe, reformy w dziedzinie edukacji są katalizatorem naukowych idei ukraińskich uczonych w dziedzinie pedagogiki, wzorem modernizowania edukacji w kontekście jej europejskiego rozbudowywania.
- Author:
Zofia Ożóg-Winiarska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The aim of the article is to present some aesthetic and ideological relationships between different cultural texts - the painting of Józef Chełmoński entitled Babie lato (Indian Summer, 1875) and its poetic ekphrasis with the same title written by Michalina Chełmońska-Szczepankowka (1937). The article describes cultural axiology and poetic sense of the perception of the painting which focuses on the visual theme of Indian summer. The presented interpretation demonstrates that the ideological message of the poem comprises the symbols of the Indian summer inspired by the poetics of the painting, namely praise of freedom, imagination and creative artistic thrust, which people derive directly from both the beauty of their native land and the truth about the order of life imposed by the natural law of the motherland, irrespective of its social and economic situation as well as its historical conditions.
- Author:
Grzegorz Maroń
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Rzeszów
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The subject of the article is references to the truth in the constitutions of modern states. The comparative study shows multiplicity of contexts in which the category of truth is mentioned in several dozen fundamental laws. The mention of truth in the constitutions as a component of the axiology of the legal and social order, the basis of transitional justice or the principle of court and administrative proceedings should be assessed positively. However, making the truth a limit of freedom of speech raises serious reservations. Granting constitutional protection only to truthful statements can stifle the public debate on socially prominent issues. The conducted analysis does not confirm the thesis of political liberalism that the truth is irrelevant for law and politics.
- Author:
Błażej Piskorz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Arivism, Chremastics, Mathematics, and Human-Centeredness – Apologetics of Axiology in Economics
The main purpose of the article is to verify the hypothesis that the erasing of values from economics causes unfavorable social changes leading even to social stratification. Side by side, it will be considered if homo neuroeconomicus is already the leading paradigm in economic, and marketing creates our attitudes, with the aim only to sell, not to distribute wares. The article also aims to show the relevance of axiology in economics, because at its metatheoretical level its ontological status constitutes values implanted by recognized economists. Meanwhile, contemporary economics tries to create an exact science, disavowing its normative output. The record is mathematical, which evaluative value, emotionally excludes man as an important subject of economics. The loss of autotelism in the exemplification of a human being and its natural inclination to participate in the economy causes non-exclusivity in participation. The attempt of these changes also led to the creation of homo neuroeconomicus as a model example of a human-consumer who has three tasks: buy, buy, buy. An adequate method to show the issue is to use the descriptive method to approximate the problem and comparative analysis, which indicates that there is no one way to look at the economy and to make it work in reality.
- Author:
Justyna Kurek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej w Warszawie
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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National (State) Security – Determinations of the Treaty
The concept of national security is a non-normative term. In accordance with the EU jurisprudence it is left to be specified in the national systems of the Member States. This is as well the border point between the sphere of exclusive legislative competence and a specific dominion of Nation States. The specification of national goals is carried out in the spirit of values and axiology of the common EU environment, taking into account historical conditions and existential threats to a given nation state. Despite the tendency to unify national goals in the global, multicultural XXI century society, it is still crucial to set boundaries and search for references for the concept of national security (state security). In this context of the existential priorities of the Poland, its boundaries should be defined relatively narrowly, in the spirit of Art. 5, i.e. in relation to the so-called “a hard core” of key interests.
- Author:
Grzegorz Maroń
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Rzeszow Uniwersity
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The subject of the article is a reference to beauty in the preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997. First, the legislative history of the fragment of the introduction to the Constitution, which constitutes beauty as a universal value, has been presented. Then it has been interpreted, taking the position that the constitutional concept of beauty is not only an aesthetic category but also an ethical category. Finally, a study of jurisprudence and normative acts has allowed to define the scope of beauty operationalization as a constitutional value. Critical reference has been made to the state of affairs in which beauty, being an element of constitutional axiology, plays a barely noticeable role in the practice of creating and applying Polish law.
- Author:
Janusz Stanek
- Institution:
Academy of Physical Culture, Katowice, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
In his article, the author outlines the values preferred by teachers and those aspiring to the profession. The presented data point to a very broad convergence between what teachers and students indicated with regard to their attitude towards values. Although one can observe certain, rather subtle, differences (related to, among others, the socio-demographic characteristics of those surveyed), they are of secondary importance and do not cause the axiological bases for the functioning of both groups to differ. What is significant is also the placement of such values as safety, responsibility and children. These values have a static character, connected with necessity and, at the same time, with the need to maintain one’s property. They proved to be slightly more appreciated by teachers than by students. The research shows one essential yet weak correlation: two values, wisdom and honesty, find a slightly wider acknowledgement among teachers than among their future colleagues. The same can be said of the case when the same values are chosen as primary. In this context, referring everything that takes place in the social space to distant, better times seems to be justified. No matter how it was in the real historical dimension, it appears justified to assert that it is undoubtedly better to live in an environment where the majority of those representing a given professional group (especially one as important for the social structure as teachers) recognise the importance of wisdom and honesty.
- Author:
Agnieszka Betleja
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Zespół Szkół nr 6 w Tychach, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
A Global Teenager in a Network of Educational Environment Tetrad
The aim of the article is to show the tetrad of educational environments, according to Janusz Morbitzer (Morbitzer, 2014, s. 120), which influence young people who exist dichotomously in the real and virtual world. Living „between” the real and digitized world, the global teenager tries to mark his activity and decision-making. On the one hand, he wants to leave his personalized trace in the offline space and on the other hand, he wants to join a uniform digital online community. The growing so-called „axiological shift” towards the domination of material values, social and civilizational entropy contribute to the fact that educational processes are becoming more and more difficult, sometimes even impossible to implement. Lack of understanding of a specific axiological concept prevents its introception, and therefore practical respect and living in accordance with a given axiological category.
- Author:
Jiří Kusák
- E-mail:
- Institution:
The University of Ostrava
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The paper deals with axiological aspects of folklore as intersubjective and intrasubjective communication and the folklore values education with regard to current trends of music pedagogy, in particular the integrative music pedagogy, polyaesthetic education and humanistic-creative paradigm of music pedagogy. Currently, we can see a shift in the semantic understanding of folklore – from the “diachronic-contextual” folklore towards the folklore in the modern updated application intention. The inclusion of folklore elements in the modern educational strategy may adumbrate, in a wider context, future motivating stimuli to life-long musical or cultural cultivation of an individual, to adequate hermeneutic analysis of folk art attributes, understanding its complexity, structure, connections and communication aspects.