- Author:
Anita Staszkiewicz
- Institution:
Wydział Konsularny Ambasady RP w Kazachstanie (Ukraina)
- Author:
Lech Aleksy Suchomłynow
- Institution:
Centrum Języka i Kultury Polskiej (Ukraina)
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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W podjętych rozważaniach autorzy analizują obecny stan tożsamości Polaków zamieszkujących na terenach Ukrainy wschodniej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sytuacji językowej na Donbasie. Przeprowadzone badania pozwalają stwierdzać, iż ze względu na specyficzne mechanizmy tygla kulturowego w Ukrainie wschodniej tworzy się jakościowo nowy gatunek kultury polskiej. W środowiskach polonijnych, gdzie nie ma ciągłości kultury ojczystej, kultywowane są tylko niektóre jej elementy, o czym często decyduje nieliczna grupa działaczy i społeczników. Dlatego tak zwany renesans polskiej mniejszości na Wschodzie ma charakter spontaniczny i nieukierunkowany. Dotyczy to również znajomości języka polskiego i motywacji podjęcia jego nauki.
- Author:
Hristo Kyuchukov
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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W artykule podjęto rozważania dotyczące nauczania języka romskiego studentów – przyszłych nauczycieli tego języka w Bułgarii. Język romski jest ojczystym językiem wielu dzieci romskich. Są one przygotowywane w rodzinach i przedszkolach do uczenia się dwóch języków równolegle – ojczystego romskiego oraz bułgarskiego. Po dokonaniu analizy literatury naukowej z zakresu edukacji międzykulturowej w Bułgarii i w Europie autor zamieszcza krótką prezentację metodologii używania filmów wideo w procesie nauczania w szkole podstawowej oraz dokonuje oceny roli tychże filmów w rozwoju mowy dzieci romskich w obu językach.
- Author:
Ganna Piskurska
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The article focuses on one of the trends in modern language education, i.e. the plurilingual approach towards language teaching, since one of the important components of IBA managers’ professional competence is their ability to function and communicate in a foreign language environment successfully. Modern high-grade professional training for IBA managers and principles of plurilingual education require research into the problem of the formation of IBA managers’ professional plurilingual competence, which presupposes extension of the linguistic repertoire of students. On the basis of a questionnaire survey it was identified that the plurilingual repertoire of the students qualifying in International Business Activities includes the Russian, Ukrainian, English, and German (or French) languages. Besides, specific features of professional plurilingual competence of IBA managers are also identified, which can be used in further research to elaborate effective methods for professional plurilingual competence formation.
- Author:
Marianna Deganutti
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Oxford
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Paradoxical identities in Levi, Morante and Tomizza
By considering three works of Primo Levi, Elsa Morante, and Fulvio Tomizza, this analysis aims to investigate some examples of composite and paradoxical identities. Regarding the matter in question, I will examine cases in which the elements shaping the subjects, especially language, will be discordant with the proposed identity. In Primo Levi’s La tregua, the author seeks to account his Jewish belonging, despite his lack of knowledge of yiddish. Morante investigates the troubled linguistic identity of Aracoeli’s protagonist, while the extreme hybridism of Stefano in Tomizza’s L’albero dei sogni allows remarkable forms of estrangement to surface. thanks to the support of identity theorists such as Baumeister and Chambers, and of theorists of the monolingual/plurilingual condition such as Fishman and Lepschy, I will employ a more fluid notion of identity in order to contemplate different variables and solutions, which may lead to contradictions. these three authors can, therefore, be considered forerunners of recent literary studies on migration, which deal with the impellent necessity to remove the limits imposed by strict definitions of identity.
- Author:
Marta Krasuska-Betiuk
- Institution:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. M. Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
From the acquisition of the mother tongue to the multilingual competences of a child at a younger school age
The aim of the article is an attempt to describe the main challenges for the language development and mother tongue education of a child at an early school age in the context of common multilingualism, resulting from the compulsory learning of a foreign language at the stage of preschool education, international mobility of families and migration. At the heart of the research is the relationship between the mother tongue and other languages of the child. The place and role of the first language in acquisition / learning new languages was discussed in the light of the findings of psycholinguistics and comparative glottodidactics. Theoretical reflection only illuminates the more important aspects of this complex issue. It is guided by the thesis that cultural and linguistic diversity gives rise to the need to think about language education in a holistic way, that is, one in which there is an integration of paradigms, approaches and recommendations of mother tongue teaching with methodologies of foreign language teaching. Scientific assumptions and concepts regarding the development of a child’s multilingual competence are supported by examples of specific didactic solutions used in countries with a rich tradition in the field of intercultural education. The conclusion of the considerations is – it is worth using innovative pedagogical strategies, activities and resources that could support students’ multilingual competence whom we work in schools in Poland.