Udostępnianie informacji publicznej jako forma ochrony interesu prawnego jednostki w świetle regulacji dotyczących ogłaszania aktów normatywnych i niektórych innych aktów prawnych
- Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 163-180
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2016.05.10
- PDF: ppk/33/ppk3311.pdf
Making public information available as a form of protection of the entities’ legal interest in the light of the regulations concerning the promulgation of normative acts and other selected legal acts
Access to public information is a prerequisite for the existence of civil society and the premise of the existence of a democratic state of law. As one of the forms of social control performed by entities interested in information, it constitutes a category serving to protect the legal interest of the individual. The subject of this control is the proper functioning of public authority entities and implementation of tasks aimed at satisfying the collective needs of citizens resulting from the coexistence of people in society. What is important in the context of widely understood notion of public affairs also includes the category of data on existing law, that is the content yet not in force and applicable legal regulations. A detailed indication of the legal basis, the permissible forms and methods of making information public is the subject of this paper.