Święta Korona w węgierskiej Ustawie zasadniczej z 2011 r.
- Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski w Opawie
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 53-65
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2018.01.03
- PDF: ppk/41/ppk4103.pdf
Holy Crown in the Hungarian Basic Law of 2011
The adoption of the new Hungarian Fundamental Law is a result of the victory of right wing and conservative coalition (Fidesz–KDNP) in the election of 2010. The cristian-conservative and national point of view of the history and policy is characteristic for the preamble of Fundamental Law. Its text is very ideological, historical and archaical. The part of this trend is the reincorporation of the Hungarian Saint Crown to the text of Fundamental Law and paralelly the revitalization of the theory of historical constitution too. The interest to the Crown and its symbolical meaning has growed directly after the transition in 1989, but the certain „rehabilitation” and „reactivation” of the Saint Crown in the public law is the result of the constitution-making after 2010. The recognition of Saint Crown as a symbol of the constitutional/state continuity and unity of nation is in this form the new element in the current legal order of Hungary.