Konstytucyjna dyrektywa postępowania bez nieuzasadnionej zwłoki jako element zasady prawa do sądu w postępowaniu karnym
- Institution: Uniwersytet Jagielloński
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 163-182
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2015.03.08
- PDF: ppk/25/ppk2508.pdf
The constitutional directive proceeding without undue delay as a part of the right to a court in criminal proceedings
The purpose of this publication was to present the issues of the efficiency of judicial proceeding as a part of the constitutional law to the court. Considerations begin from the presentation of how the doctrine of Polish law generally understand directive of the fast procedure. Next part of the text is a discussion of the regulations contained in international law, with particular regard to the European Convention on Human Rights, which formed the basis of the provisions enshrined in Art. 45 ust. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland which contains the rule of law to the court. Then was presented the convergence of positions as to the interpretation of the provisions and their correct application by the authorities of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Constitutional Court.