Obowiązki informacyjne gminy w świetle ustawy o dostępie do informacji publicznej i ochrona tajemnicy przedsiębiorcy
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
- Source: Show
- Pages: 51-68
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2015.05.03
- PDF: ppk/27/ppk2703.pdf
Information obligations of professional local authorities in the light of the act on access to public information and protection of business confidentiality
Act of 6 September, 2001 on access to public information guarantee everyone the right to public information, but the right to public information is subject to limitation of the secret of an entrepreneur. The same act on access to public information does not contain the definition of the secret of an entrepreneur. We are forced in this case to apply Article 11.4 of of Act of combating unfair competition. Company confidentiality is understood to include the entrepreneur’s technical, technological organisational or other information having commercial value, which is not disclosed to the public to which the entrepreneur has taken the necessary steps to maintain confidentiality. In this article indicates a problem associated with the provision of public information, because of the secret of an entrepreneur.