Pojęcie sprawy w świetle art. 6 Konwencji o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności
- Institution: Wyższa Szkoła Prawa im. Heleny Chodkowskiej
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 299-327
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2016.03.13
- PDF: ppk/31/ppk3113.pdf
The right to a fair administrative trial in the light of the standards arising from the Article 45 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
The aim of the paper is to analyze and criticly assess the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the applicability of the Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights to national legal procedings. The latter provision refers to cases in which the civil rights and obligations of individual or any criminal charge against him are determined. The author discusses the criteria which enable to qualify the case as civil or criminal in the autonomous meaning of the European Convention on Human Rights. She accepts in general the approach of the European Court of Human Rights, but underlines a need for further clarifications of applied criteria, to avoid inconsistence and allow the future case-law to be predictable.