- Author:
Ewa Kobyłecka
- Institution:
University of Zielona Góra
- Year of publication:
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Contemporary adolescents are tempted by effortless, consumerist lifestyles devoid of reflection. They display pretentious attitudes and exhibit problems with proper functioning within the society. Therefore, it is necessary to change educational processes at school in order to promote intensive emotional and spiritual development in pupils, so that young generations comprehensively develop to handle future problems, as well as to be able to construct their own knowledge about themselves and the outside world. Competent teachers can play certain roles in this process, introducing their pupils into the rich world of values.
- Author:
Margarita Gutiérrez-Moret
- Author:
Remedios Aguilar-Moya
- Author:
Raquel Ibáñez-Martínez
- Author:
Antonio Vidal-Infer
- Year of publication:
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TMMS and MSCEIT are the most frequently used tools to assess emotional intelligence. TMMS is a questionnaire to self-evaluate emotional skills, and MSCEIT is a test to measure emotional intelligence. Given that both are used equally, we examined the relationship between their dimensions. A sample of 252 adults was selected from higher education institutions. MSCEIT and TMMS-24 were administered and ANOVA and Pearson correlation analyses were conducted. The MSCEIT Managing Emotions branch was the only area that discriminates among participants. A new combined tool to assess EI is proposed in this study.
- Author:
M.B. Bello
- Author:
A. Yusuf
- Author:
I.O.O. Amali
- Year of publication:
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This study examines secondary school teachers’ level of emotional intelligence and their moral character as predictors of moral character among secondary school students in Ilorin South LGA, Kwara State. 106 teachers and 318 students from 20 secondary schools were purposively sampled for the study. Data collected were analysed using mean-scores, standard-deviation and multiple-regression. The study revealed that secondary school teachers’ emotional intelligence predicts secondary school students’ moral character. It was recommended that there is a need for teaching emotional intelligence as a foundation course at all the teacher training institutions in Nigeria.
- Author:
Erni Ratna Dewi
- Author:
Patta Bundu
- Author:
Suradi Tahmir
- Year of publication:
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The presented research aims at analyzing whether the emotional intelligence, competence, and interpersonal communication directly affect teacher performance in senior high schools in Makassar. This research also aims at analyzing whether emotional intelligence, competence, and interpersonal communication indirectly affect teacher performance through achievement motivation in senior high schools in Makassar. The research was a quantitative study. The sample of this research consisted of 130 respondents. The data were analyzed using Structural equation Model AMoS 18. The findings show that emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. every teacher’s emotional intelligence proves convenient in teaching. Competence has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. It is important in supporting the teaching profession. In addition, it allows teachers to conduct the learning process effectively.
- Author:
Irena Przybylska
- Year of publication:
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The presented study employed an emotional intelligence framework as a means of explicitly examining the emotional competences and experiencing job satisfaction or burnout. Emotional intelligence is hypothesized to have a positive relationship with higher job satisfaction and negative with burnout. Firstly, the variables are discussed on the basis of existing concepts and research. The second part presents my own research: methodology outline, main data and discussion. Results showed that emotional intelligence was a negative significant predictor (r=0.54, p<0.05) of burnout symptoms, and a positive significant predictor of job satisfaction (r=0.37, p<0.05). The paper concludes with a discussion of the pedagogical implications, teaching professionalization and recommendations for future research.
- Author:
Lada Kaliská
- Year of publication:
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The contribution examines three types of intelligences (emotional, social and general) in relation to school performance of secondary school students (N=169). Empirical analysis indicated its zero to weak negative correlations (0.01≤R≤0.30) with factors, dimensions and global emotional intelligence measured by the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Adolescence Form (TEIQue–AF, Petrides, 2001) and weak negative correlations (0.18≤R≤0.29) with dimensions of social intelligence measured by The Tromso Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS, Silver, et al., 2001). On the other hand, the general intellect assessed by the non–verbal standardized Test of Intellectual Potential (TIP, Říčan, 1971) had a moderately negative relationship with school performance expressed by an average of marks in Mathematics (R=–0.39**).
- Author:
Mariusz Korczyński
- Year of publication:
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Inteligencja emocjonalna, jako jedna z ważniejszych kompetencji międzykulturowych, ma istotne znaczenie w kwestii tworzenia dobrych relacji ze swoim otoczeniem i poczuciem spełnienia się w życiu. Wpływając na umiejętność realizacji wyznaczonych sobie celów, jest szczególnie ważnym czynnikiem decydującym o sukcesie zawodowym. Celem badań była próba ukazania związków między jedną z węzłowych kompetencji międzykulturowych, jaką jest „inteligencja emocjonalna” Polaków w Anglii, a ich sukcesem zawodowym. Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z techniką ankietową. Analizie poddano 114 poprawnie wypełnionych kwestionariuszy, tylko tych osób, które jednoznacznie zadeklarowały osiągnięcie sukcesu zawodowego lub też nie. Badania wykazały, że we wszystkich szczegółowych kompetencjach składających się na węzłową kompetencję – „inteligencję emocjonalną” takich jak: elastyczność interpersonalna, empatia, radzenie sobie z uczuciami oraz adaptacja i elastyczność zachowań, wyniki na poziomie istotnie wyższym uzyskały osoby badane, które charakteryzowały się poczuciem osiągnięcia sukcesu zawodowego. Zatem można przyjąć, że wysoki poziom przyswojenia powyższych szczegółowych kompetencji stanowi swoistą determinantę sukcesu zawodowego na obczyźnie.
- Author:
Katarzyna Szorc
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Białystok, Poland
- Year of publication:
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There is a certain amount of research that proves that positive emotions and mood play an important role in creative human activity (Abele-Brehm, 1992; Tokarz, 2011; Kunat, 2015). Particularly valuable is ability to recognise emotions and communicate them. It is also important to accept experienced emotions, gain a skill to react accordingly as well as ability to evoke and regulate emotions. According to Salovey and Mayer’s model, the aforementioned dispositions are elements of emotional intelligence. It turns out that emotional intelligence can stimulate creative activity since it enables management of emotional expenditure (Nęcka, 2001). The paper presents results of research conducted among teachers of primary schools. It was assumed that there is a correlation between emotional intelligence and creative activity of teachers. The research can contribute to development of emotional skills of teachers and to intensify their creative activity. That, in turn, can translate into shaping of innovative school environment that fits the needs of contemporary young person - a student.
- Author:
Olena Lazurenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National Medical University named aft er O.O. Bogomolets
- Author:
Nataliya Smila
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Institute of Psychology named aft er Kostyuk NAPS of Ukraine
- Year of publication:
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The purpose of the article is to present the results of testing the emotional intelligence of the future physicians who tend to hide professional mistakes. The article is based on the study involving 129 students who are studying in the specialties “Medical business”, “Medical psychology”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry” at the medical-psychological, dental and medical faculties of the O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University. During the study, the following methods were used: 1) The Error-Oriented Motivation Scale (EOMS) in order to measure a tendency to hide professional mistakes; 2) The Emotional Intelligence Scale in order to determine the level of emotional intelligence. Statistical processing of the study results was performed using 1) descriptive statistics (percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations); 2) Student’s T-test to compare the emotional intelligence level in the groups of future physicians with different levels of propensity to hide professional mistakes. The study has found that a significant number of future physicians (53.5%) showed a tendency to hide their professional mistakes. The respondents in this group are characterized with low and medium levels of emotional intelligence compared to future physicians who strive to learn from their mistakes. This study has demonstrated that the vast majority of future physicians believe that professional errors should be hidden, which, in turn, does not contribute to their professional development; the future physicians who tend to hide professional mistakes have low levels of emotional awareness, ability to manage one’s emotions, self-motivation, empathy, ability to manage other people’s emotions. The development of emotional intelligence would apparently contribute to a more conscious attitude of future physicians to professional activities as well as more common-sense attitude to mistakes, and this poses new challenges for medical education to form emotional intelligence of future medical professionals.
- Author:
Kaliská Lada
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University
- Author:
Salbot Vladimír
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University
- Author:
Heinzová Zuzana
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The replication study offers research findings from verification of the construct validity of social intelligence by the Slovak MESI scale (Manipulation, Empathy, Social Irritability - MESI, Frankovský, Birknerová, 2014) by means of confirmatory factor analysis, and by convergent/discriminant validity by the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (Petrides, 2009) in two samples (secondary school students: N = 134, Mage = 17.7 years old /SD = 0.47/, 66% women; university students: N = 138, Mage = 21.52 years old /SD = 1.81/, 77% women). Results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirm the three-factor solution of the MESI scale (extracted factors of Manipulation, Empathy, Social Irritability) in accordance with the authors’ original solution in both samples. Trait emotional intelligence (EI) and its four factors enter into significant positive relationships with Empathy (convergent validity) and negative relationships with Social Irritability (discriminant validity). The global level of trait EI can be predicted by the factor of Empathy and Social Irritability in both research samples. Our findings confirm substantiation of the MESI scale for assessment of social intelligence, and its possible application in targeted educational interventions in a school environment.
- Author:
Anna Romanowska-Tołłoczko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University School of Physical Education, Wrocław
- Author:
Bianka Lewandowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Wrocław
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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One of the significant predispositions of the teacher is the ability to cope with emotions, which is recognized as emotional intelligence. The study was conducted among the students of the Academy of Physical Education in Wroclaw (263 individuals). In a group of students some were selected who declared their intention to work as teachers (95 people); the remaining students were the control group. According to the collected data, emotional intelligence of most of the students is average, and the belief concerning the level of this competence is overestimated in many cases. This result is particularly unsatisfactory for those associating their future with the teaching profession, for they are expected to have better interpersonal skills.
- Author:
Beata Dyrda
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Author:
Irena Przybylska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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In the article the authors present the theoretical and practical outline of creative and emotional competence as a main need of teachers. The theoretical part of the article considers the latest research into creativity and emotional intelligence. The authors pay special attention to the importance of these abilities in contemporary school. The diagnostic part concentrates on a results of the questionnaire study, led on the sample of 140 teachers of primary and secondary schools.