- Author:
Mariola Badowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Humanistyczna im. Aleksandra Gieysztora w Pułtusku
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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School is the basic institution introducing into the world of civic values and shaping prosocial attitudes and behaviors. Properly shaped social and intercultural competences are essential for proper functioning in everyday life, which is why in the education process they should be constantly developed and concern both teachers and students. By taking an active part in the mutual learning process, individual individuals can become citizens of the world with high competences. In addition to theoretical considerations regarding the desirable competences of teachers and educators working in a multicultural classroom, the article presents statements of representatives of the pedagogical group allowing to estimate their social and intercultural competences and their self-esteem in this regard.
- Author:
Izabela M. Bogdanowicz
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Projekty edukacji uniwersyteckiej – doświadczanie współpracy studentów ze środowiskiem zewnętrznym
Realizacja projektów w ramach zajęć praktycznych w pełni wpisuje się, zdaniem autorki, w aktualne kierunki zmian i trendy w edukacji akademickiej (m.in.): zarządzanie pracą zespołową; elementy tzw. edurozrywki (ang. edutainment) w tradycyjnej dydaktyce; e-edukacja; wzrost znaczenia kształtowania kompetencji społecznych.
W procesie realizacji projektów przydatne są kompetencje eksperta w zakresie uczenia się, zarówno w edukacji formalnej, jak i nieformalnej (zob. coaching edukacyjny, e-tutoring, e-coaching, kursy MOOCs – masowe, zdalne, ogólnodostępne, bezpłatne, z renomowanych uczelni), a ponadto umiejętność wykorzystania nowych możliwości w zakresie edukacji (są to m.in.: edukacja w Second Life; e-learning; m-learning; edutainment; gamification; idea Bring Your Own Device (BYOD); flipped classroom; Jigsaw; LdL; blended learning1) oraz bieżąca orientacja w nowych metodach, technikach i narzędziach.
- Author:
Ewa Palamer-Kabacińska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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According to EU guidelines, modern education should focus on learning skills. It is anticipated that most of the professions that are known today will disappear in a dozen or so years and new ones will replace them. The labor market will require teamwork skills, creative thinking and problem solving. The formal education system cannot keep up with all these changes and requirements. For several years the movement of activities related to adventure education has been expanding in Poland: organizations operating in this trend are established, cooperate with each other, enter into international structures, and the network of forest kindergartens is expanding. The very concept of “adventure education” is known to a small group of educators and animators for now. Assumptions are associated with scouting - although they should not be equated with it. Adventure education is primarily in the field of non-formal education, but following the example of Slovenia or Great Britain, it is also trying to enter schools in Poland. It is successfully used in sociotherapeutic activities, and is increasingly involved in activities by scout organizations and commercial companies. So what is adventure education? Is it worth investing and why? What are its assumptions? What competences and skills does it teach? This article will attempt to answer these questions in relation to own research carried out as part of the adventure programs implemented in the years 2015.
- Author:
Agnieszka Franczyk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Opolski
- Author:
Anna Rajchel
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Politechnika Opolska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Development of students’ social competence in an age of online learning
The article is the research report. The aim of the investigation was to address the question how students evaluate the development of their social competence regarding learning online which became inevitable due to the COVID19 pandemic. 350 students from three universities in Opole participated in the research. The diagnostic survey method was applied. In order to collect the research material, an original online survey questionnaire was used. The study participants responded to questions on the basis of a fivepoint scale. The analysis of the results indicates that the highest valued competence for the respondents was the ability of selfmanagement in time (M=3.71) along with the ability of expressing one’s own opinion (M=3.66), whereas the lowest valued competence was maintaining relations (M=2.84) and regularity of learning (M=2.87). It also turned out that women valued the development of their social competence significantly higher than men (M=3.44; M=2.94). Considerably higher results also appeared in extramural students compared to fulltime students (M=3.63; M=3.27). Moreover, early years students rated the innovative approach to problemsolving and systematic learning significantly higher than older students.
- Author:
Ewa Sowa-Behtane
- Institution:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Author:
Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk
- Institution:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Development support of immigrants’ social competences in the process of integration with the host society (the case of research carried out as part of the project Integration and Educational Support for Migrants (WIEM) under POWER 2014–2020)
The aim of the article is to describe the model of development support of immigrants’ social competences in the process of integration with the host society. Referring to the aim of the article, the authors formulated the following research problems: What level of the analyzed social competences do the surveyed immigrants have? What educational and consulting activities should be offered to project participants, i.e. people with low basic skills, corresponding to a level not higher than PRK level 3? What validation actions should be taken towards project participants after the implementation of educational and consulting activities? The theoretical part of the article addresses the concept of social competence and describes its elements. The empirical part presents the methodology and results of the conducted research as well as the conclusions and recommendations. 170 immigrants from Ukraine participated in the study. Most of the respondents had basic social competences. In terms of self-motivation (motivation), it was 94% of the respondents, assertiveness – 81%, self-presentation – 71%, communication – building interpersonal relationships – 95%, stress management / conflict management– 96%, and in terms of functioning in a team (including multicultural one) – 10%.