- Author:
Khalida Alabba Gyzy Babashova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article studies text non-systens forms of paroemiological units. These forms are the main criteria to determine the dominant (primary) forms and systematic variants of paroemiological units. The possibility of these mentioned non-systems (creative) forms, first of all, proves paroemias to be fixed language units of social chacarter as phraseological constructions.
- Author:
Iрина Тарасюк
- Institution:
Narodowa Akademia Nauk Ukrainy NANU (ukr. Національна академія наук України, НАНУ)
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Popular theology of human activity and labour in Ukrainian sayings and proverbs.
The author of this article analyses a stratum of Ukrainian proverbs which by its semantic content constitutes a kind of popular theology of human activity and labour. The meaning of a number of paremies reflects the inner world of a religious person, wherein the individuality's development via daily labour is consistent with the plan of providence. According to popular Christian conceptions of God, He provides aid in every deed, word, thought, and wish. In popular religious cultural traditions, as well as in ecclesiastical traditions, rational activity is the aim and norm of all earthly human life; economic activity is included in God's plan, and is considered a positive value.