Koncepcja istoty wolności i praw jednostki oraz aspekt formalny ich ograniczenia
- Institution: Wyższa Szkoła Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie
- Year of publication: 2014
- Source: Show
- Pages: 73-93
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2014.04.04
- PDF: ppk/20/ppk2004.pdf
Concept of the essence of freedom and individual rights and their formal requirement for limitations
In a democratic state ruled by law limitation of the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and rights may be an exception to the general principle of the protection of freedom. The Constitution does not confer the status of the individual libertarian absolute and provides in certain cases of specific conditions the possibility of its limitations. Among these requirements are the formal and material aspects of limitations, the principle of proportionality and prohibition of violating the essence of freedoms and rights.The essence of the concept is indeterminate, general and undefined in the complete way It stands as judgement criterion and includes in its function a number of demands. Analysis of the Constitutional Court cases elucidates elements of the concept of the essence of freedoms and rights, and the formal aspect of restrictions.