Parlamentaryzacja marokańskiego systemu rządów na gruncie konstytucji z dnia 29 lipca 2011 r.
- Institution: Uniwersytet Jagielloński
- Year of publication: 2014
- Source: Show
- Pages: 95-115
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/20/ppk2005.pdf
The parliamentarisation of the Moroccan system of government on the basis of the constitution of July 29, 2011
The paper concerns the phenomenon of parliamentarisation of the Moroccan system of government in the light of the constitution of 2011. The act was adopted as a result of civil unrest known as the so-called Arab Spring. The new constitution replaced the basic law of 1996. According to the new constitutional provisions, the role of the monarch has been limited. At the same time, the constitution has improved the position of the government headed by the prime minister. Moreover, the status of the parliament has been changed. By the way of example, the king appoints the prime minister from within the political party, which wins the parliamentary elections, and with a view to their results. In comparison with the previous constitution, the government seems to be more strongly connected with the parliament – especially with the first chamber. The latter has better tools for parliamentary oversight. Currently, the Moroccan system of government is closer to the European model of parliamentarianism.