Złoty jubileusz Singapuru: wkład społeczności chińskiej w budowanie tożsamości narodowej Singapurczyków
- Institution: retired diplomat, expert on China
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 88-100
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap201804
- PDF: ap/21/ap2104.pdf
Singapore Golden Jubilee: Chinese community’s contribution to the building Singaporean national identity
The article presents the significant contributions of the Chinese community to the Singaporean nation building during the first 50 years of the independence. It is based on a book 50 Years of the Chinese Community in Singapore. The text presents the major Chinese organizations, including the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, the Chinese Development Assistance Council and the Chinese Heritage Centre. The author, former Polish ambassador to Singapore, outlines several main issues, that provoked controversies within the Chinese community, such as the use of the Chinese language and the integration of the new immigrants from China. The author presents also the role of the Chinese religions, the development of the cultural life, and the role played by the Singaporean Chinese in relations with China and the neighboring countries.