Rewolucja seksualna w Chinach – analiza czynników globalizacyjnych i wewnątrzchińskich
- Institution: Uniwersytet SWPS
- Institution: Uniwersytet SWPS
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 233-258
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ap/21/ap2111.pdf
Sexual revolution in China – analysis of the global and inner factors
This paper investigates the phenomenon of “sexual revolution” in Mainland China, in other words changes in sexual attitudes and interpersonal relationships among Chinese people after 1979. Until the end of the Mao era strict norms prevailed, with sex outside marriage widely forbidden and strongly frown upon. Authors aim to present historical and cultural conditioning of China’s society that paved the way towards changes in sexual behaviors and practices. In order to further our understanding of the changing nature of sexual behaviors and attitudes, this article examines data obtained from research, surveys and interviews conducted among Chinese in different age groups and place of residence (urban and rural) in Mainland China. Premarital sex, extramarital relationships, mating strategies and sex work practices are analysed. Based on up-to date articles and scientific evidence authors argue than the Single Child Policy was one of the factors that contributed to “sexual revolution” and further, to enormous success of sexual products on the local e-market. The influence of individualist values and the changing cultural norms pertaining to sexual behaviors and mating practices are discussed.