Trzeci kandydat w wyborach prezydenckich w USA na przykładzie kandydatur Rossa Perota i Ralpha Nadera
- Institution: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie
- Year of publication: 2011
- Source: Show
- Pages: 137-160
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/07/ppk707.pdf
Third Candidate in Presidential election in United States of America – candidates Ross Perot and Ralph Nader
This Article is based on two, the most famous episodes from American Parliamentarian and Presidential Election History. For 200 years in USA we have a two-party system, which caused that two major parties had played a main role in political system. During the elections (Congressional or Presidential) only two main parties were taken into consideration by electors and society. When third parties have appeared at American political scene it was also a sign for politicians that American Society were demanded changes. Third parties and their candidates were encouraged to take a part in elections and fight for large amount of American voters. Profiles of presidential candidates, Ross Perot and Ralph Nader show what kind of changes American system need.