Plany rozwoju gospodarczego Chin
- Year of publication: 1998
- Source: Show
- Pages: 131-159
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ap/1/ap106.pdf
Plans of the economic development of China
The author presents economic foundation for the current five and next 15-20 years, during which the authorities wants to increase the country’s position in the global power rank by increasing, among other things, GNP by 47% over 5 years. China is assumed to be in a position to win chances which result from development of inter-Asian trade, increasing the attractiveness of its own market for the foreign investments, whose volume may put China in the second place worldwide after USA and having become the most important market for Taiwan. The economic potential of China is also characterized by a volume of foreign reserves. which combined with Hong Kong exceeded USD 200 billion and continues to rise. One of the main long-term goals is to accelerate transformation and overall development of the Western regions of the country, in order to overcome internal disproportion. Structural changes are being planned, the essence of which is to preserve the total state ownership only buy only in 512 key enterprises or their groups, thus increasing the private sector beyond the agriculture. The strategic economic projects show that the mechanisms, introduced in the recent years of reforms, will continue to be implemented.