- Author:
Joanna Leska-Ślęzak
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Królestwo Niderlandów to państwo, które od wieków przyciągało imigrantów ze względu na otwartość, tolerancję; bez względu na pochodzenie etniczne i kulturowe, a słynęło z możliwości rozwoju i bogactwa. Model nordycki realizowany w polityce społecznej Królestwa Niderlandów w szczególny sposób zwraca uwagę na programy socjalne i obejmuje swoim zasięgiem główne rodzaje ryzyk socjalnych. Opieka państwa rozciąga się od chwili narodzin aż do śmierci. Bezpieczeństwo socjalne w Królestwie Niderlandów głównie świadczone jest w formie finansowej i odpowiednio redystrybuowane są środki na poszczególne zasiłki wprowadzane przez państwo dla imigrantów zamieszkujących na stałe w Holandii. Osłony socjalne w Holandii należą do najlepszych w Europie. Imigranci dostosowując się do wymagań instytucji państwa są zabezpieczeni socjalnie.
- Author:
Mariusz Korczyński
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Inteligencja emocjonalna, jako jedna z ważniejszych kompetencji międzykulturowych, ma istotne znaczenie w kwestii tworzenia dobrych relacji ze swoim otoczeniem i poczuciem spełnienia się w życiu. Wpływając na umiejętność realizacji wyznaczonych sobie celów, jest szczególnie ważnym czynnikiem decydującym o sukcesie zawodowym. Celem badań była próba ukazania związków między jedną z węzłowych kompetencji międzykulturowych, jaką jest „inteligencja emocjonalna” Polaków w Anglii, a ich sukcesem zawodowym. Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z techniką ankietową. Analizie poddano 114 poprawnie wypełnionych kwestionariuszy, tylko tych osób, które jednoznacznie zadeklarowały osiągnięcie sukcesu zawodowego lub też nie. Badania wykazały, że we wszystkich szczegółowych kompetencjach składających się na węzłową kompetencję – „inteligencję emocjonalną” takich jak: elastyczność interpersonalna, empatia, radzenie sobie z uczuciami oraz adaptacja i elastyczność zachowań, wyniki na poziomie istotnie wyższym uzyskały osoby badane, które charakteryzowały się poczuciem osiągnięcia sukcesu zawodowego. Zatem można przyjąć, że wysoki poziom przyswojenia powyższych szczegółowych kompetencji stanowi swoistą determinantę sukcesu zawodowego na obczyźnie.
- Author:
Marzena Okrasa
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
- Author:
Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Żmuda
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 29 w Lublinie
- Year of publication:
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The article is an attempt to define the attitudes of students of pedagogy studies towards immigrants in the aspect of the emotional attitude manifested. In the near future these students will decide on the educational process and consequently on the quality of social functioning. The quality of their activities depends not only on their level of knowledge, but also on their attitude towards the social processes. To achieve the research goal, a diagnostic survey method with a survey technique based on semantic differential was used. The research proved that the surveyed students show a neutral attitude towards immigrants. Such an attitude may indicate indecisiveness and lack of acceptance, which undoubtedly may be closer to a negative attitude. The research also indicates an urgent need for intercultural education.
- Author:
Marek Podraza
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Italian Migration Policy
Italy, due to it is geographical location, is extremely exposed to migratory movements. Over the past few decades, the Republic has undergone a far-reaching transformation from sending to receiving country. A country in which a migration policy practically did not exist had to build it from scratch quite quickly, which was associated with many of its disadvantages, reformed over time. A breakthrough moment was the migration crisis initiated in 2011 and caused by the Arab Spring in North Africa. It was a real test not only for the Italian migration policy, but in retrospect also for the entire European Union, where, unfortunately, there was no enough solidarity.
- Author:
Kamil Pietrasik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Towarzystwo Azji i Pacyfiku
- Year of publication:
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Situation of immigrants and refugees in Ukraine from 1991 to 2013
The author shows the history of the immigration system and refugees in Ukraine. The discussed period of 1991–2013 is not accidental and is quite important in the process of shaping the rights of immigrants and refugees.
- Author:
Булат С. Сарсенбаев (Bulat Sergazievich Sarsenbaev)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kazakhstan Republic Embassy in the Republic of India and in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri-Lanka
- Year of publication:
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The revolt of 1916 in the assessment of the first national leaders of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan of the 1920–1930s
In the article the assessment of the reasons and nature of revolt of 1916 by the first national leaders of Turkistan T. Ryskulov, Yu. Abdrakhmanov and B. Isakeev are given in the aspect of historiography.
- Author:
Maria Giedz
- Institution:
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Syrian conflict and its impact on the situation in Europe
The Arab Spring, which turned into a revolution, or rather a civil war in Syria caused a tragic, yet interesting configuration of the international political arena. This seemingly small, insignificant country in the Middle East pulled the most important powers of the world in to its interiour conflicts. Syria has become the key to the Middle East. It is a very colorful country in every way: ethnic, religious, cultural, landscape… and the country in which the Middle East countries and world powers and international terrorist organizations want to pursue their interests. They are so contradictory interests that led to an absurd war in which everyone is fighting against everyone. There has therefore been a confrontation on several levels, such as political: between the United States and Russia; religious: Christians–Muslims, as well as within Islam: Sunni–Shia, or Saudis and the Persians; business: where, for example, the role of the corridor between the Mediterranean Sea and Iraq it is taken by Turkey, it is a confrontation between the Ottomans and the Persians. Due to this almost 3 million external emigration takes place – not to mention the more than 10 million internal migration – and simutlaniously the influx of refugees not only to neighboring countries but also to Europe, mainly Western Europe. On the political scene the new players are reinforcing themseves namely, the Kurds. A new division of the Middle East is being created of which, the future is difficult to predict.
- Author:
Ewa Sowa-Behtane
- Institution:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Author:
Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk
- Institution:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Development support of immigrants’ social competences in the process of integration with the host society (the case of research carried out as part of the project Integration and Educational Support for Migrants (WIEM) under POWER 2014–2020)
The aim of the article is to describe the model of development support of immigrants’ social competences in the process of integration with the host society. Referring to the aim of the article, the authors formulated the following research problems: What level of the analyzed social competences do the surveyed immigrants have? What educational and consulting activities should be offered to project participants, i.e. people with low basic skills, corresponding to a level not higher than PRK level 3? What validation actions should be taken towards project participants after the implementation of educational and consulting activities? The theoretical part of the article addresses the concept of social competence and describes its elements. The empirical part presents the methodology and results of the conducted research as well as the conclusions and recommendations. 170 immigrants from Ukraine participated in the study. Most of the respondents had basic social competences. In terms of self-motivation (motivation), it was 94% of the respondents, assertiveness – 81%, self-presentation – 71%, communication – building interpersonal relationships – 95%, stress management / conflict management– 96%, and in terms of functioning in a team (including multicultural one) – 10%.
- Author:
Aleksandra Tłuściak-Deliowska
- Institution:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Prejudice-based bullying against minorities. On the role of immigrant background and intergroup processes in explaining and limiting the phenomenon
Societies are becoming more ethnically and culturally diverse. This growing diversity offers new opportunities for both individuals and societies. At the same time, it also creates challenges such as a polarized political climate and an increase in hostile behaviour based on prejudice, such as ethnic discrimination and peer violence against immigrants. Recent research on the forms of bullying of minority groups by peers suggests that prejudice has some influence on specific patterns of bullying, but not enough attention has yet been given to this either in the conceptualization of bullying itself or in the design of intervention and prevention programs. It is therefore suggested that further research and the design of prevention programs could be targeted to give more attention to prejudice as one of the factors underlying this form of peer violence. The article is of a review nature and has been organized in a conceptual way, i.e. the focus is on prejudice-based bullying, which is the subject of research, but at the same time, arguments for the presented point of view will be presented to justify further empirical research in this problem area.
- Author:
Żaklina Dworska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Muslim Women Australia’s Activities Regarding Immigrants
Since 1983, Muslim Women Australia has been committed to promoting gender equality, education, and raising social awareness among Muslim women. The article attempts to indicate the role of this organization in the process of integration and support of Muslim immigrant women in the multicultural society of Australia, taking into account the challenges resulting from their double marginalization due to gender and religion. Political science analysis methods, including literature review and case studies, are employed to present the organization’s activist endeavors. Key areas of activity include combating domestic violence, providing adaptive support, social education, as well as legal and financial assistance, thereby strengthening the position of Muslim women within Australia’s socio-political structure.
- Author:
Ewa Sowa-Behtane
- Institution:
Ignatianum University in Cracow
- Author:
Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk
- Institution:
Ignatianum University in Cracow
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
This article presents the problem of immigrant integration in Poland. The research objective was to analyze the degree of integration of the immigrants with the host (Polish) society. The authors adopted the concept of 5 dimensions of integration as the theoretical basis for their research. The studies were carried out using a survey questionnaire. They lasted from November 2022 to March 2023 and were carried out via the Internet. 224 immigrants took part in the research. The condition for participation in the study was residence in Poland for at least 2 years. The respondents were asked, among other things, about free practice of one’s religion, access to places where one can practice religion (churches, temples, mosques, etc.), making and maintaining acquaintances, encountering discrimination/hostility on the part of Poles, importance of religion and tradition in adapting to life in Poland, the choice of Poland in the event of the possible re-deciding on the choice of residence place or a possible change of residence place. The analysis of the indicators revealed that the vast majority of the respondents (61%) had integrated with the host society to a great extent. However, a large group of immigrants (39%) who had problems with integration was also identified.