- Author:
Beata Tomaszewska-Hołub
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The Elderly and their issues in the selected electoral pleas in 2018
In the last 25 years Polish society’s aging process has been intensified what caused a constant growth of the number of people in the age 65 and more. Furthermore, according to demographic prognosis, the share of this age group will be rising in the next years, as well as the role of “silver” electorate. In the local governments selections in 2018 the Elderly were perceived as an important electorate group. Their problems were not ignored and political groups noticed the necessity of winning this group round. In campaigns and election programs candidates focused on the seniors’ needs. The main propositions dealt with safety and health issues, as well as concerns regarding institutional solutions targeted for this group specifically. It can be said the Elderly became one of the most desirable voters next to the Young on Polish political scene.
- Author:
Aleksandra Błachnio
- Author:
Wojciech Maliszewski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Information technology evolves in order to meet the needs of ageing society. Despite the life-long learning perspective and availability of ICT courses, studies indicate that only a limited number of seniors take full advantage of possibilities given by mobile technology and the Internet. The question arises if the old are part of the Information Society or they are excluded from it. This article provides evidence that seniors underutilise the ICT devices and e-services and indicates the main lines of the recent debates on the current need for ICT education among older adults. The analysis of seniors’ ICT competence is based on a literature survey.
- Author:
Marlena Stradomska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Praca stanowi podsumowanie rozważań związanych z tematem profilaktyki presuicydalnej prowadzonej w grupach wiekowych w okresie późnej dorosłości. Od 2016 r. realizowany jest projekt „Dobre Życie UMCS” w Lublinie mający na celu zwiększenie świadomości odnośnie aktów autodestrukcji w cywilizacji XXI w. Istnieje wiele instytucji, które zajmują się losem osób starszych, jedną z inicjatyw jest działalność Stowarzyszania „mali bracia Ubogich”. Zauważono, że w okresie późnej dorosłości problemy dotyczące trudności społecznych, psychicznych, adaptacyjnych i innych są znaczące. Wiele osób starszych zgłaszało się na konsultacje psychologiczne i po pomoc, uznając, że nie mają wsparcia wśród najbliższych. To główny powód dlaczego seniorzy podejmują współpracę z różnymi organizacjami jako beneficjenci lub wolontariusze. Z wywiadów ustrukturyzowanych (n=91) wynika, że wielu z nich czuje, że są samotni i niepotrzebni. Natomiast działalność w organizacjach zrzeszających osoby starsze pomagają im w tym, aby czuły sięwartościowe, a ich aktywność ma duży wpływ na środowisko lokalne. Praca ma zatem charakter teoretyczno-praktyczny. W artykule zostanie dodany jeden ze studium przypadku, który przeprowadzony był z kobietą 60+, mieszkającą w dużej miejscowości, po próbie samobójczej.
- Author:
Małgorzata Skowrońska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Zielona Góra
- Author:
Urszula Abłażewicz-Górnicka
- Institution:
Pedagogical University of Kraków
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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According to official statistics, older people are particularly vulnerable to severe illness. Especially those who suffer from frail health are more likely to have deadly coronavirus infection than other age groups. For sure, age and preexisting medical conditions are significant indicators of vulnerability risk to severe infection, but old age interact with many other factors that may render the elderly at risk. The important implication is that the options available to older people are contingent upon inequalities. Some of them will eventually face common difficulties later in life, while others will face the same problems but do it alone with few resources. In other words, aging itself is a stratified process. Disease impacts are not random, nor are the burdens of disease carried equally by all members of affected populations. The consequences of the disease most often heavily affect those who are in a socially vulnerable position.
- Author:
Małgorzata Kamińska
- Institution:
Paweł Włodkowic High School
- Author:
Dagmar Marková
- Institution:
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The ageing of European societies ensues, above all, from adverse demographic trends; it also becomes a cause of many disturbing phenomena involving marginalization, decreased social participation, professional and educational activity. There is increasing concern about the need to create a social capital for development. This paper will present data in regard to the situation of senior citizens in Poland and Europe. The material is based on the reports published by the European Committee and country strategy papers.