Local Dimension of Celebrations. Holidays as a Tool in Creating State Symbolic Space at Local Level-the Case Study of Poland
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 28-45
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2016.04.02
- PDF: kie/114/kie11402.pdf
State celebrations, anniversaries of important historical events and their observance are one of the main channels of communication between ruling elite and society that shape the state symbolic space. In addition to establish ing memorial sites, erecting monuments, founding institutions focused on remembrance, they are the most important way to create a narrative of the state’s past. In Poland - regardless of time and political system - special attention was paid to creating a calendar of holidays and anniversaries, and the manner they were celebrated. These festivities were and are still considered to be fundamental tools used in Polish politics of history, both at statewide and local level. Their importance in the regions can - depending on how the local elites exercise their powers - vary from much larger in relation to the central state level to entirely negligible. The aim of this study is to present mechanisms and tools used by local authorities in building an appropriate historical narrative using just those tools.