- Author:
Zbigniew Witkowski
- Author:
Maciej Serowaniec
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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In the light of art. 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the nation as a sovereign has the right to steer the state’s policy, express an opinion on governing of the state, as well as codecide with the state organs in the governing process. The nation is a source of power and may assume the role of an arbitrator in conflict situations between constitutional state organs but also in disputes between the subjects of the political scene, which is reflected in the targeting of the activities of public authorities according to the will expressed via a referendum. Due to the introduction of the principle of nation sovereignty in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, it seemed that a nationwide referendum was bound to become an important instrument allowing the expression of opinions and formulation of decisions by the sovereign.
- Author:
Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz
- Institution:
Akademia Obrony Narodowej
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Legal issues associated with the implementation of digital terrestrial television is not only important because of the assessment of their effectiveness. It also tips about what future regulators, based on the experience that we gain today analyzing the administrative and legal convergence in connection with the introduction of new technologies. Their importance is crucial to the debate on the concept of public interest and related restrictions, as well as to analyze the role of public administration in its protection. An example characterized by a change in the understanding of the public interest in the regulatory area of audiovisual media is primarily the sphere of market control and rationing. In the light of the development of new technologies and enlarging coverage market forces should be emphasized that for the sake of proportionality, the objectives of public interest and private purposes, and the rights and freedoms need a more flexibility with regard to rules governing conventional audiovisual media services without negation proven and still existing standards.
- Author:
Agnieszka Lipska-Sondecka
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
From decentralization to (re)centralization. Policies of those in power towards local governments in Poland after 2015
For Poland, the turn of the 1980s and 1990s for Poland was the beginning of a profound systemic change dubbed transformation. As the result of multifaceted alterations, a new political system was shaped based on the patterns, standards and principles on which democratic states and societies base their organization and functioning. The principle of decentralization determined the direction and nature of changes in the construction of the administrative apparatus of the state, so that its bodies and institutions could perform the assigned tasks and functions in a practical manner. Local governments became a significant component of the new structure of public authorities, and they were entrusted with the implementation of the part of public tasks which directly concerned local and regional communities. And although Polish local governments were not free from defects, and the implementation of tasks caused tensions between the state and local governments, until 2015 the principle of decentralization was respected by those in power. However, the elections in 2015 brought a change, and the new ruling party revealed its actual attitude to state governance, including all forms of local government.