- Author:
ks. Michał Damazyn
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Jadwiga Janina Cywińska, nee Malkiewicz. One of the Vilnius Six
The first published biography of one of the members of the first community of the Order of Mercy, founded by Fr. Michał Sopoćko according to the revelations received through the intercession of Sister Faustyna Kowalska; court clerk in Vilnius and Toruń.
- Author:
Henryk Olszewski
- Institution:
SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Zygmunt Wojciechowski (1900–1955) was a historian of law at the University of Poznan. A student of one of the greatest Polish historians – Oswald Balzer – he was a medievalist, heavily involved in politics both in the times of Second Republic and the beginning of the Polish People’s Republic. His works comprised of content of cognitive qualities, but was always strongly coloured with politics. He was the creator of the theory of native Polish lands, located between Odra, Warta and Vistula Rivers. He is looking at history through the prism of Polish-German relations and he critically evaluates the history of the state, which moved away from traditional Polish settlement areas and led a disastrous policy of expansion to the East, which brought its fall and partitions. Wojciechowski welcomed the return of Poland to the western lands (recovered) in 1945, as a compensation of wrongs suffered in the struggle against Germany. The literature on works of Wojciechowski is controversial and requires recognition in a new synthetic book, which is the main thesis of this study
- Author:
Tomasz Sikorski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Włodzimierz Kulczycki (1862–1936) – a representative of the scientific elite of the Academy of Veterinary Medicine in Lwow
Vladimir Kulchytsky (1852–1936) was one of the leading representatives of the scientific elite of the city of Lviv. He was a veterinarian, zoologist, an outstanding mammalian anatomist, professor, pro-rector and rector of the Academy of Veterinary Medicine in Lviv. He did his studies in natural sciences in Vienna, then in Lviv. He also received a diploma in veterinary medicine. From 1882 to 1934 he worked at the Lviv Academy of Veterinary Medicine, first as an assistant, then as a lecturer, and from 1906 as a professor, head of the Department (Department) of Descriptive Anatomy, Topography, Histology and Embryology (later, after changes, the Department of Comparative Anatomy). He also worked as a veterinarian at the Lviv Horse Tram Society, as a city veterinarian and as a veterinarian for the control of cattle and meat on the Lviv railroads. Prof. Kulchytsky’s scientific output includes about 60 publications (compact works, studies and scientific articles, discussions, reviews, etc.). The area of research and scientific interests of V. Kulchytsky was extremely wide and at the same time diverse. He became famous as an outstanding mammalian anatomist and zoologist, creator of anatomical preparations (continuing the work of Prof. Henryk Kadyi). He conducted research work on avian anatomy and physiology, the anatomy and etiology of cattle and horse diseases. He was also involved in parasitology, hippiatry, conducted interdisciplinary studies on the borderline between ethnography and ethnology, was interested in climatology and demography of the countries of the Orient and Central Asia, Indian studies and deep-sea fauna of the oceans. He skillfully combined his collecting passion for carpentry (1906–1936) with orientalist research, becoming an undisputed authority in this field, while amassing the largest collection of old oriental textiles on Polish soil. In 1934 he received an honorary doctorate from the Academy of Veterinary Medicine in Lviv for his outstanding achievements in the field of science and his attitude during the occupation of Lviv by Russia (1914–1915).
- Author:
Maria Rółkowska
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Stanisław August Morawski – an outstanding, non-media figure of the Polish community in Italy
The aim of the article is to present the biography of Stanislaw August Morawski (1922–2019) – an outstanding figure of the Italian Polonia, who avoided media publicity. On the basis of a few available book sources and biographies published after his death in the Polish and Polonia press, introduced his life in Poland and in Italy and a huge number of his activities for Poland, Poles and the Polish community in Italy. S. Morawski was, among others, for many years the president of the Rome Foundation J.Z. Umiastowska, the Lanckoroński Foundation, co-founder of the Union of Poles in Italy and a member of its board, author of many publications on the history of Poles in the Apennine Peninsula.
- Author:
Joanna Cukras-Stelągowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article presents the biographies of representatives of the third post-war generation of Polish Jews. It attempts at reconstructing the experiences of becoming a religious Jew, choosing a Jewish path in adolescence where there is no or incomplete transmission of intergenerational cultural heritage in the family of origin. The two women’s biographies were analysed in terms of independent acquisition of cultural (religious) knowledge and the possibilities and limitations of Jewish education in our country. The research was carried out based on the biographical method and unstructured/ in-depth interviews (2018–2022). Exemplifications in the form of the two biographies serve to distinguish the stages of “becoming a religious Jew and mother” in the “found generation”, to show individual biographical events and common biographical sequences (mostly educational and parental).