- Author:
Олена Галета
- Institution:
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
- Year of publication:
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Ukrainian Literature: Between Ukraine and Literature.
This article is dedicated to the anthology Solomon’s Red Star (2012), which contains 25 essays describing 25 administrative regions of contemporary Ukraine. Different rhetorical strategies presented by authors are analyzed from a postcolonial perspective. The most important elements of the postcolonial narrative are a notion of a literature as a mirror of reality and understanding of a narrative as a kind of a travelogue, when the author acts as a guide and the reader is supposed to be a tourist. A narrative is mostly past-oriented but not future-oriented and the main challenge to the authors is that a history is neither coherent nor complete. A post-soviet stereotype-based narrative is opposed by a mythological poetics as a means of creating a new cultural identity.
- Author:
Artur Laska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
- Year of publication:
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Autor niniejszego artykułu stawia sobie za cel analizę wpływu współczesnej transformacji przestrzeni oraz jej postrzegania na relacje władzy politycznej. Kontekst przestrzenny władzy sprowadza zarówno do jej korelatów materialnych, jak i niematerialnych, gdzie składają się na nią także konstrukty wytwarzane społecznie. W pierwszej kolejności przedmiotem analizy staje się więc wyróżnienie wzajemnych relacji między tak określonymi fenomenami. W dalszej części autor uwydatnia zjawisko dywersyfikacji źródeł władzy oraz analizuje jej dynamikę jako zasadniczą konsekwencję heterogenicznego charakteru przestrzeni. Na tej podstawie wyciąga wnioski teoretyczne, które mają stać się przydatne w badaniach empirycznych, a ponadto proponuje jeden z możliwych kierunków pożądanego organizowania władzy we współczesnych demokracjach.
- Author:
Elżbieta Górnikowska-Zwolak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
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Kultura jest nierozerwalnie związana z językiem; język jest rodzajem przewodnika kulturowego, ułatwia jej zrozumienie. Język jest zarówno spoiwem społeczeństwa, jak i narzędziem ekspresji, a dla jednostki potężnym czynnikiem rozwoju indywidualności. Stąd konieczność zainteresowania się przez pedagogów językiem - niewidzialnym środowiskiem edukacyjnym. Przestrzeń edukacji, analizowana tu przez pryzmat języka, pozostaje w ścisłym związku z przestrzenią publiczną, dlatego wgląd w sferę publiczną i dyskurs publiczny wydają się niezbędne. Transformacja polskiego społeczeństwa w latach 90. XX wieku ujawniła jego wewnętrzną różnorodność i co się z tym wiąże - potrzebę znalezienia języka, który pozwoliłby na komunikację i opis nowej rzeczywistości bez ranienia kogokolwiek. Jednak zjawisko poprawności politycznej nie zyskało w Polsce akceptacji. Co więcej, szerzy się mowa nienawiści, język wykluczający różne kategorie społeczne. Jest to sygnał, który zachęca nas, Wzmożona obecność języka wykluczającego w polskiej przestrzeni publicznej 127 pedagogów, do zainteresowania się przestrzenią historyczną, odniesieniem do czasu, w którym żyjemy, do zjawisk zachodzących w przeszłości i określających przyszłość. Jest to również sygnał alarmowy dla pedagogów i nauczycieli. Należy postawić pytanie o rolę edukatorów, ich zaangażowanie w ulepszanie świata. Jest to także pytanie o samoidentyfikację pedagogów - nauczycieli akademickich.
- Author:
Małgorzata Polkowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
War Studies University
- Year of publication:
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Today countries participating in space activities, share serious concerns about militarization of space. The defense of space can become an important issue in the international arena, because counteracting emerging threats will probably be associated not only with the development of technology and operational capabilities, but also with the creation of political alliances or attempts at international agreement on certain “rules of the game” for space operations. Ultimately, the growing importance of “space for defense” creates the need for “defense of space”. Individual countries remain the main actors in the field of space defense. Military strategies are defined at national level, and the development and exploitation of military space assets are managed by national organizations. Today, most European countries recognize space as a strategic area, next to land, sea, air and, increasingly, cyberspace, but they have adopted different policies and doctrines depending on their sensitivity, priorities and concerns. European space forces also have different governance structures with significant differences in the distribution of roles and responsibilities, including space agencies and private entities.
- Author:
Katarzyna Majdzik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski
- Year of publication:
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The discourse of space - the space of discourse. the image of the city in Druga Venecija (The other Venice: secrets of the city) by Predrag Matvejević
the author of this article reconstructs the image of Venice depicted in the novel-essay Druga Venecija (The Other Venice: Secrets of the City) by Predrag Matvejević. the novel is characterised by multilingualism (loanwords from the Italian language and its dialects) and contributions from other arts (numerous illustrations, maps, photo reprints, etc.). the discursive mechanisms shaping the impression of space and the world that is represented, as well as the nonlinguistic (visual) ways of its reproduction, are analysed in the article. the narration of the novel is deprived of plot, as it is essayistic and dehistoricised. The book incorporates different genres, combining elements of the essay, travelogue novels, encyclopaediae, and portolan charts. It is characterised by minimalism and restrained language, which are distinguishing features of Matvejević’s work. the poetics of minimalism is reflected in the fragmentation of the plot, the selectivity of themes, and the simplicity of style. the writer concentrates on presenting the details, exploring unknown areas that are overlooked in other literary descriptions of Venice. the originality of Matvejević’s creative method is based on tracking down abandoned, non-obvious, and devastated places; the book, therefore, describes the passages of the city, referring random information and fragments of other stories and legends. enumeration is the most frequent figure of speech used by the writer to describe phenomena in a synchronous and non-hierarchical way. the starting point for the considerations made in this article are the philosophical concepts of the relationship of semiotic systems and different types of art (both applied and fine) to the category of spatiality (Derrida, Rewers, eco, taine).
- Author:
Ірина Смаровоз (Іryna Smarovoz)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Бердянський державний педагогічний університет (Berdyansk State Pedagogical University)
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Means and methods of literary understanding of everyday life in the works of I. Rozdobudko and M. Gretkovska
The present article shows that as a result of historical, cultural and social changes that have aroused interest in the life and work of women, the attention of literary critics was drawn to the literary everyday life in Ukrainian and Polish modern women’s prose. Everyday life in women’s prose has become a mirror of woman’s worldview, philosophy, feelings and emotions. The significance of the study is based on the lack of the clear system of means and techniques that belong to the poetics of everyday art in literature studies. The purpose of this study is to make an attempt to systematize the means and methods of literary understanding of everyday life in the texts of I. Rozdobudko and M. Gretkovska. In the process of the research it is established that the nature of literary everyday life in the texts selected for analysis is determined by attention to the inner world of the character that is typical for women’s prose. It is noted that women’s images described in the analyzed texts completely contradict patriarchal ideas about the role of women in society and family. Such components of the everyday life of the characters as woman’s life, body and actions become the key to revealing her inner world. It is noticed that the external demonstrations of everyday life (space, time, clothing, body, reactions of the characters, etc.) become a reflection of the inner world of the characters. The following methods of modeling of everyday life in the prose of I. Rozdobudko and M. Gretkovskaya are singled out: construction of own representation of time by characters; «stretching» or «stopping» of time; laconicism in space modeling; emphasis on details; focusing on sensory sensations; close intertwining of the real with the unreal; concentration on corporeality, sensuality; attraction to the naturalism of the image; increased attention to the personal, private life of the character; autobiography; reproduction of global problems of the country or epoch through modeling of destiny of one person; fragmentary modeling of images and situations; the impact of the death of a pet on the emotional state of the character; modeling of provocative situations and images in order to encourage the reader to think, search for the truth. It is noted that writers implement these techniques within their authorial styles and ideas of novels in different ways. It is established that the authors use a wide range of artistic means: metaphors, comparisons, epithets, paradoxes, ironies, contrasting images, symbols, archetypes etc. Using a wide range of artistic means and techniques, writers construct models of everyday life of their characters in their own way. The results of the research can become the basis for a generalized theoretical description of the poetics of everyday life.
- Author:
Tomasz Adamski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Cinematic images of the Donbas space after 2014 in selected war-themed films
The paper aims to analyse the spatial representation in contemporary Ukrainian films created after 2014, set in the Donbas region and revolving around the ongoing war. As I reference the specific spatial context, my analysis is grounded in the framework of spatial turn. It also is crucial for me to delve into the history of Donbas and the portrayals of this place in Ukrainian cinematography. Film ecocriticism constitutes a significant context, particularly concerning representations of natural and postindustrial landscapes, often ravaged by human actions, especially in the context of warfare. Referring to the concept of landscape, I rely on Arnold Berleant’s perspective, noting that culturally transformed landscapes hold the same value as natural ones, and every landscape contributes to shaping cultural traditions. In my study, I employ textual film analysis derived from general structural analysis. My considerations encompass productions, such as Klondike (2022) directed by Maryna Er Gorbach, Reflection (2021) and Atlantis (2019), both directed by Valentyn Vasyanovych, as well as Bad Roads (2020) directed by Natalia Vorozhbyt.