- Author:
Aniela Różańska
- Year of publication:
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Praca jest próbą spojrzenia na edukacyjną działalność Śląskiego Kościoła Ewangelickiego Augsburskiego Wyznania na Zaolziu w Republice Czeskiej – w kontekście jej zadań, odnoszących się do wspomagania kształtowania tożsamości religijnej młodzieży zaolziańskiej oraz będących odpowiedzią na potrzeby współczesnej młodzieży i wychodzeniem im naprzeciw. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie Śląskiego Kościoła Ewangelickiego Augsburskiego Wyznania jako instytucji znaczącej w kształtowaniu otwartej tożsamości religijnej młodzieży uczącej się w polskich szkołach na Zaolziu. Przedstawione zostały wybrane działania edukacyjne Kościoła, zwłaszcza te będące próbami twórczego współdziałania ekumenicznego z innymi Kościołami.
- Author:
Marek Białokur
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Instytut Historii
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The purpose of the article is to recall the history of Polish families in Eastern Europe, and strictly in Ukraine at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. In a short article, however, it is difficult to tell their history in full. However, you can look at them from the perspective of individual stories, as in the case of Józefat Andrzejowski, who is active in economic and educational and educational grounds. He was born in 1849 in Kielce as the son of a November insurgent. After graduating from junior high school in Kielce, he went to Switzerland to study ceramics, where he was strongly influenced by Andrzej Towiański. In 1878 he moved to Kiev and founded a ceramics factory there. He got involved in the activities of the secret Society of Folk Education. In his factory he founded a school where secret lessons of Polish children and youth were held. In 1904 he was elected the president of the National Education Society, and from 1906 the chairman of the “Education” Society. In 1913 he was arrested, and a year later sent to Astrakhan for three years, where he worked for Polish deportees as part of the Society for Assistance to War Victims. In 1917 he returned to Kiev and was elected president of the Polish Motherland and head of the education department of the Polish Executive Committee in Russia. During the Polish-Bolshevik war, he was wanted by the Soviet authorities. In October 1921 he came to independent Poland. Thanks to Andrzejowski and other Polish activists, over 100 children were rescued and removed from Kiev. In the Second Polish Republic he became involved in social activities. Andrzejowski was, among others, a treasurer and a member of the board of the Polish Red Cross in Warsaw and a member of the board of the Towarzystwo Pomocy Dzieciom i Młodzieży z Kresów. Józefat Andrzejowski, whose history is explained by the article, died in Warsaw in 1939. His many years of educational activity indicate that his real Polish family in the East were thousands of Polish children who created the conditions for learning.
- Author:
Lenka Rovňanová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The paper presents partial results of the research identifying demands on the performance of professional competences in the school practice in teachers1 with various length of practice and in student teachers. Results are compared with the findings and results of the national report in the OECD international report TALIS 2008.