- Author:
Sabina Janik
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Przedmiotem zainteresowania autorki są aspiracje edukacyjne uczniów imigrantów. Odwołując się do badań zagranicznych i częściowo własnych, zwraca uwagę na wysokie aspiracje edukacyjne tej kategorii uczniów – generalnie wyższe w stosunku do uczniów autochtonów o tym samym statusie społeczno-ekonomicznym. Stwierdza brak zgodności wśród badaczy w kwestii wyjaśniania uwarunkowań specyfiki tych aspiracji. Modele interpretacji mieszczące się w obrębie P. Bourdieu i J. C. Passerona teorii reprodukcji, G. S. Beckera racjonalności, inwestycji i rentowności czy R. Boudona logiki mobilności społecznej powiązanej z percepcją efektywności szkolnej nie dostarczają w pełni zadowalających wyjaśnień tej specyfiki. W związku z tym istnieje potrzeba poszukiwania komplementarnych modeli interpretacji tego fenomenu. Stąd propozycja wykorzystania do tego celu koncepcji społeczeństwa merytokratycznego.
- Author:
Mateusz Kamionka
- Institution:
Pedagogical University of Kraków
- Author:
Paweł Bielicki
- Institution:
Asia and Pacific Society in Toruń
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The aim of our considerations is to present the most important determinants and implications characterizing the views of the young generation of Russians on the political and economic events taking place in the Russian Federation in 2020–2021. The subject of our interest will be the analysis of the causes of growing disapproval of young people towards the president of the country, Vladimir Putin, in this period. At the beginning of this study, we will examine the political situation in Russia following Putin’s next re-election in March 2018 and the deterioration in the economic situation of the country’s young citizens, multiplied by the outbreak and development of the coronavirus pandemic. An important problem that we faced is the attitude towards the return to the country in January 2021 of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny and his immediate detention by repressive state authorities, resulting in social protests, in which young Russians widely participated. It will also be important to analyze the role of social media in shaping the views of Russian youth. In addition, we will discuss the issue of economic problems of the Russian state that are increasing in strength, affecting the condition of the part of Russian society that is entering adulthood. In conclusion, we would like to answer the questions to what extent the disappointment of young Russians towards the person and government of Putin will contribute to the decline in support for him, and whether the Kremlin has real instruments to reverse the trend that is negative for the rulers.
- Author:
Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice
- Author:
Sylwia Szopa-Wiśnios
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Assessing the correlates of older adults’ leisure-time physical activity (PA) is essential to effectively promote these populations’ active lifestyles. Few studies have been published about PA correlates of older adults in Poland. The aim of this study was thus to identify correlates of self-reported PA of older adults. Participants were 577 members of senior citizen clubs aged 70.72±8.04 years. Questionnaires were used to collect data of PA, psychological, perceived social and environmental variables related to PA. Results of regression analyses with four levels of PA as dependent variables and psychosocial factors as independent variables showed that all models were significant, explaining the variance from 8% (walking) to 20% (VPA). Age and accessibility of fitness facilities were significant predictors in the final regression equation used to explain all levels of PA except walking. Time spent on TV predicted walking, LPA and MPA.
- Author:
Marek Pietraś
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Poland)
- Published online:
30 October 2022
- Final submission:
21 September2022
- Printed issue:
- Source:
- Page no:
- DOI Address:
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The European Union has been recognised as an international system whose decisions and actions are conditioned by environmental determinants, which is a dynamic process of change. The article attempts to explain the EU’s decisions based on the conclusions of the European Council in 2010–2022. 93 documents containing the conclusions of the European Council adopted during that period were analysed. It was found that the determinants of EU decisions and actions function – firstly – at the international system level and, secondly, at the level of the domestic systems of the Member States. In addition, the article: 1) reconstructed the discussion in the science of international relations on behavioural determinants, 2) reconstructed the perception of determinants in the conclusions of the European Council; 3) a model for organising the analysis of the determinants of the decisions of the European Council was proposed.
- Author:
Marek Pietraś
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Poland)
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The European Union has been recognised as an international system whose decisions and actions are conditioned by environmental determinants, which is a dynamic process of change. The article attempts to explain the EU’s decisions based on the conclusions of the European Council in 2010–2022. 93 documents containing the conclusions of the European Council adopted during that period were analysed. It was found that the determinants of EU decisions and actions function – firstly – at the international system level and, secondly, at the level of the domestic systems of the Member States. In addition, the article: 1) reconstructed the discussion in the science of international relations on behavioural determinants, 2) reconstructed the perception of determinants in the conclusions of the European Council; 3) a model for organising the analysis of the determinants of the decisions of the European Council was proposed.
- Author:
Iwona Malinowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Economic and Social Conditions of Demand for Cultural Goods and Services and Their Consumption
The paper contains the demand side of the market for cultural goods and services, with a focus on performing arts especially the analysis of their consumption from the demand theory, which attempts to explain the motives and consequences of consumers’ decisions. The consumption of cultural goods and services is determined by many factors, and their identification is the purpose of this study. Among them there are social determinants, including education and age of consumers and economic, such as price and income. The starting point for the analysis is fact that cultural goods and services in the economy are normal goods, so the demand for them increases with increasing consumer income and decreases with the demand decrease. They are also luxury goods, which means they are purchased only when the amount of income will satisfy customers’ basic needs. The paper contains also review of results of research conducted by foreign authors to demand determinants for cultural goods and services. Selected determinants are presented using statistical data on participation in culture of citizens of the European Union. However it was not possible to present an insightful analyzed of determinants and their dynamics because of limited availability of data.