- Author:
Sabina Janik
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Przedmiotem zainteresowania autorki są aspiracje edukacyjne uczniów imigrantów. Odwołując się do badań zagranicznych i częściowo własnych, zwraca uwagę na wysokie aspiracje edukacyjne tej kategorii uczniów – generalnie wyższe w stosunku do uczniów autochtonów o tym samym statusie społeczno-ekonomicznym. Stwierdza brak zgodności wśród badaczy w kwestii wyjaśniania uwarunkowań specyfiki tych aspiracji. Modele interpretacji mieszczące się w obrębie P. Bourdieu i J. C. Passerona teorii reprodukcji, G. S. Beckera racjonalności, inwestycji i rentowności czy R. Boudona logiki mobilności społecznej powiązanej z percepcją efektywności szkolnej nie dostarczają w pełni zadowalających wyjaśnień tej specyfiki. W związku z tym istnieje potrzeba poszukiwania komplementarnych modeli interpretacji tego fenomenu. Stąd propozycja wykorzystania do tego celu koncepcji społeczeństwa merytokratycznego.
- Author:
Elżbieta Hałaburda
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The most important factor conditioning school achievements is the economic and social status of the student’s family of origin. This has been confirmed many times by Polish and international studies, although the socio-economic status was described by various determinants. According to the theory of cultural capital P. Bordieu, the family is that which equips the child with various language and cultural competences that can be developed in the education process at various levels. However, the learning outcomes (in the form of grades and results of exams) are determined not only by family and environmental elements, but also by the organization of the school itself. An important role is also played by the teacher’s person, his methodological and substantive competences, as well as the ability to recognize the student’s potential and his characteristics conditioning the results achieved.
- Author:
Mateusz Kamionka
- Institution:
Pedagogical University of Kraków
- Author:
Paweł Bielicki
- Institution:
Asia and Pacific Society in Toruń
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The aim of our considerations is to present the most important determinants and implications characterizing the views of the young generation of Russians on the political and economic events taking place in the Russian Federation in 2020–2021. The subject of our interest will be the analysis of the causes of growing disapproval of young people towards the president of the country, Vladimir Putin, in this period. At the beginning of this study, we will examine the political situation in Russia following Putin’s next re-election in March 2018 and the deterioration in the economic situation of the country’s young citizens, multiplied by the outbreak and development of the coronavirus pandemic. An important problem that we faced is the attitude towards the return to the country in January 2021 of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny and his immediate detention by repressive state authorities, resulting in social protests, in which young Russians widely participated. It will also be important to analyze the role of social media in shaping the views of Russian youth. In addition, we will discuss the issue of economic problems of the Russian state that are increasing in strength, affecting the condition of the part of Russian society that is entering adulthood. In conclusion, we would like to answer the questions to what extent the disappointment of young Russians towards the person and government of Putin will contribute to the decline in support for him, and whether the Kremlin has real instruments to reverse the trend that is negative for the rulers.