The Objectively and Subjectively Measured Level of Managerial Competencies as the Basis for Andragogical Counselling
- Institution: Matej Bel University
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 110-121
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/202103/tner6509.pdf
The study is a part of the research on the couching method as a tool for adult personality development related to the managerial potential development. The aim was to find out differences between subjectively and objectively measured levels of managerial potential in a research sample and to compare differences in their positions as managers and non-managers. The study was based on the conception of managerial potential development. The article gives results of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) where the managerial potential was measured in seven competencies. The results were compared with the research sample’s self-assessment in a questionnaire of own design. The finding was that managers achieved better results in objectively measured competencies than in subjectively measured competencies. They scored highest in the objectively measured managerial competence Inquisitive and lowest in the objectively measured managerial competence Adjustment. Candidates achieved better results in objectively measured competencies than in subjectively measured competencies. They scored highest in the objectively measured managerial competence Interpersonal Sensitivity and lowest in the objectively measured managerial competence Adjustment. In subjective self-assessment, managers achieved higher mean scores than candidates in the competence Ambition. Managers, again, scored higher than candidates in subjective assessment of the competence Inquisitive. In subjective assessment, candidates scored highest in the managerial competence Interpersonal Sensitivity and lowest in the managerial competence Learning Approach. There were no statistically significant differences between managers and candidates for managerial positions in the managerial potential.