- Author:
Petr Svobodný
- Year of publication:
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
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Rudolf Kimla: Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague and a member of PAU in Kraków. On the history of Czech-Polish relations in the field of medicine
The paper discusses the research activities of Professor Rudolf Kimla (1866-1950) in the context of the cooperation between Slavic nations (notably as a PAU member during a 1933 medical congress in Poznań).
- Author:
Dorota Michalska-Sieniawska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny SWPS w Warszawie
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The incrising demand for regulating social relations which are becoming more complicated is an efect of developing civilization, including in it the level of protection of human rights in XXI century. Standarization is a synonym of the nowadys developing world economy. Apart of the legal rules there are other regulation systems like moral standards, ethical standards, deontological norms or customs. These regulation systems are the complementary systems to the law regulations. Their origin is the natural law. Deontological principles mostly are legally binding like planty of ethical standards in medicine. The reason of the legal power of ethics in medicine is libility for human life. Code of Medical Ethics is also the source of legal norms in medical law. The most important legal norm for medical practice is the doctor’s obligation to treat patients acording to the current medical knowledge. Besides doctors should conduct their practice in a socially acceptable way as working in a profession of public trust.