- Author:
Beata Papuda-Dolińska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Maria-Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The paper analyzes a confusion in the special education field caused by paradigm shifts towards social model of disability and inclusive model of education of children with special needs. Theoretical considerations concern the changes in the subject of the special education field’s interests, terminology, teaching methods and methodology employed by a special education discipline. In the paper special education’s and inclusive education’s assumptions were confronted. As it turned out, in many points they are contradictory. Especially, the notion and practice of categorization rooted in traditional special education and demonstrable in special needs definition, teachers’ training or teaching methods seem to be very difficult challenges for implementation of inclusive education.
- Author:
Krystyna Barłóg
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Rzeszów
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Empathic sensitivity or empathy is the basis for human interactions and communication, proper interpersonal relationships. As a process and phenomenon, it is particularly important in education and social and emotional functioning. The research, which has already been conducted, was focused on the development of empathic sensitivity of children and young, able-bodied people. The reform of education in Poland implemented in 1989 enabled students with special educational needs to access education in mainstream schools. Preliminary studies in this field are an attempt to show the empathic sensitivity of children with special educational needs who are learning together with healthy, non-disabled friends – their peers in mass education, which is inclusive. The aim of this paper is to present the research outcomes concerning inclusive education in the Podkarpackie Province, Poland.
- Author:
Monika Alfut
- Institution:
Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe zasady udzielania pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej w szkole. Autor przywołuje raporty z badań nad uczniami o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych. Analizuje zmiany w udzielaniu wsparcia uczniom oraz przeszkody, które pojawiły się po wybuchu pandemii COVID-19. Prezentuje konsekwencje dla edukacji i zdrowia psychicznego dzieci po przejściu placówek oświatowych w tryb nauki zdalnej. Szuka rozwiązań z rekomendacji konkretnych działań edukacyjnych, wychowawczych i profilaktycznych. Odwołuje się do najnowszego programu Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki o wsparciu psychologiczno-pedagogicznym dla uczniów i nauczycieli.
- Author:
Iwona Chrzanowska
- Institution:
University of Łódź
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Following the tendencies showed in international documents we have given the disabled people in Poland access to open education. These activities are done in agreement with the ideas which have been promoted by special pedagogy for years, that is: the normalization and improvement of the quality of disabled people’s lives. The changes were started by the Regulation of the Ministry of National Education of October 4, 1993 which opened up integrated education in mainstream schools classes to disabled students. Another regulation, introduced on February 15, 1999, implemented the educational reform which gave every child regardless of the type or degree of disability the right to education in mainstream schools and which made schools responsible for facilitating it. Since that time the literature on special pedagogy has taken more and more interest in the notion of inclusive education. The researchers of this phenomenon keep asking the same question: ‘To what extent will the mentally disabled be able to adapt to learning conditions – learning in an ordinary class in a mainstream school? What kind of problems might they face?