Zaufanie w mediach i w organizacjach medialnych
- Institution: Uniwersyt Jagielloński, TVP Kraków
- Year of publication: 2017
- Source: Show
- Pages: 74-91
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: kim/2017_2/kim2017207.pdf
Trust in media and trust in media organizations
Trust in media in the light of the research results is extremely important. Trust is difficult to clearly define, but it’s easy to measure the effects of its activities in media organizations. Building trust in media organization is a long-term process and it’s fragile, needs just a moment to lose it. However, it is a viable because of a lot of benefits of trust. Good reputation and knowledge sharing are examples of the practical benefits of a high level of trust management in media organization. The trust is becoming the economic capital in the new economy that is emerging in the era of transparency. New media, virtual reality and the real world are gradually converging. Trust and transparency will never replace our privacy, so a kind of dichotomy arises here.