- Author:
Maria Świątkiewicz-Mośny
- Year of publication:
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The research results presented in this article originate from the research and educational project conducted from January to June 2017, titled Prevention of cervical carcinoma, or how it is done in Tychy. Analysis of knowledge sources and the views on HPV vaccines, which was funded with a grant by the Polish Cancer League Foundation. The research material allowed for formulating the guidelines for the educational and preventive treatment programs addressed to young people and their parents. Despite free vaccinations against the HPV virus from some local governments, the percentage of people covered by vaccinations is decreasing. What is needed in order to reverse the negative tendencies is a set of new, innovative solutions, addressed at the needs and expectations of the beneficiaries. Therefore, people should be educated on the risk of falling ill, while HPV vaccinations constitute an important element of primary prevention.
- Author:
Suwan Kim
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- Author:
Stanisław Juszczyk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia
- Year of publication:
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The work discusses using digital media in the processes of communicating and developing interests by the contemporary Polish and Korean youth. The youth’s typical behaviour in cyberspace is described together with an interpretation of their behaviour on the basis of selected theories of influence of the mass media on viewers and listeners.
- Author:
Makangali Bayurzhan
- Institution:
- Author:
Saltanat Sydyknazarova
- Institution:
- Author:
Janel Karzhaubay
- Institution:
- Author:
Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov
- Institution:
- Year of publication:
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This article is written on the basis of sociological research conducted by the Research center of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Youth” for the preparation of the annual National Report “Youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The authors of this article were the authors of the section “Values of Youth” and “Readiness of the youth of Kazakhstan for migration”. This article reflects on the results of the research, the “Values of the Youth of Kazakhstan” section. The National report of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Youth of Kazakhstan 2017” does not include all the findings and conclusions of the research group, so this article contains the most comprehensive data on the issues under study, namely – the values of the youth of Kazakhstan in dynamics and various correlations: age values, region (oblast) values, gender values, the level of education values, religion values, employment values, city or village values.
- Author:
Umi Mahmudah
- E-mail:
- Institution:
State Islamic Institute of Pekalongan, Pekalongan
- Author:
Ade Dedi Rohayana
- E-mail:
- Institution:
State Islamic Institute of Pekalongan, Pekalongan
- Year of publication:
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Youth plays a significant role for the future of a country in facing the rapid changes of time. This study examines the relationship between educational attainment and age of the first marriage of Indonesian youth. Data concerning Indonesian youth published by Statistics Indonesia in 2015 is used, which includes as many as 34 provinces of Indonesia. This study uses five age groups of first marriage as dependent variables (y). There are also five groups of educational attainment that are used as independent variables (x). Canonical correlation analysis is applied to analyze the strength of correlation between these two data matrices by using R program. Results provide five functions, which reveal that canonical correlations of these variables are 0.82, 0.60, 0.32, 0.16, and 0.01. Furthermore, the first and the second functions accommodate as much as 74.45% and 20.36% of the canonical relationship, respectively. Meanwhile, the rest is accommodated by the other three functions. The results also reveal that early marriage of Indonesian youth has a negative relationship with educational attainment.
- Author:
Marek Butrym
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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W artykule na podstawie literatury scharakteryzowano aktywność wyborczą najmłodszego elektoratu (18–24 lata) w wyborach parlamentarnych w 2015 roku. Podkreślono znaczenie poparcia młodzieży dla wyników wyborów. Następnie przedstawiono wyniki własnych badań przeprowadzonych na losowo dobranej grupie studentów uniwersytetów w Lublinie i w Olsztynie. Uwagę zwrócono na absencję wyborczą studentów, jej przyczyny oraz na odpowiedź, kogo poparliby w wyborach (i dlaczego), gdyby wzięli w nich udział. Ponieważ niegłosujący (non voters) studenci głównie wskazali komitet wyborczy Kukiz’15 i komitet wyborczy KORWiN, należy uznać, że te dwa ugrupowania najwięcej straciły na braku frekwencji młodych, studenckich wyborców.
- Author:
Karolina Kania
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Warsaw
- Author:
Barbara Grabowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
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International collaboration in education has resulted in an increasing number of participants in educational exchanges at various stages of education. Taking part in a foreign intercultural exchange is an important experience, associated with a half a year or a year-long immersion in another culture and with the return home. Changing the residence country for a certain period, learners consciously undertake the tasks aimed at familiarization with the new culture, language, customs or behaviours. Few of them think about the difficulties associated with the comeback. The presented research results show that, during the exchange, learners were able to build their strategy of functioning in the host family and country. As a result, this helped them to handle the difficulties of the reverse culture shock, which is manifested by the optimistic-active strategy applied by most of the learners after returning home.
- Author:
Gabriela Piechaczek-Ogierman
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Popular culture creates trends, shapes the world view, is a source of inspiration and identification of the young. The research results presented in this study show that youth in the final stage of adolescence judge the reality in a critical way. A significant number of the examined learners implement the model of identity shaped in the ‘down top’ direction. They reject media authorities and aim at creating their own concept of themselves. At the same time, a large percentage of the respondents respect media models associated with appearance and the consumerist lifestyle.
- Author:
Katarzyna Borzucka-Sitkiewicz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Author:
Karina Leksy
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
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The domination of new technologies in the lives of children and the youth leads to its consideration in the context of threats and a potential negative influence on adolescents’ functioning. Considering various threats occurring in the virtual space, first of all it is indicated that the Internet, due to apparent anonymity, is often the space of mutual aggression, mocking and attempts to discredit other net users. The presented study refers to the analysis of behaviours being a demonstration of cyberbullying. The research was conducted in conformity with the quantity-quality paradigm. It involved a method of diagnostic survey using the technique of a questionnaire and documents analysis. As the conducted study showed, cyberbullying is a phenomenon which often occurs among contemporary teenagers. The examined persons were most often victims or witnesses of verbal aggression in the net.
- Author:
Gulmira Abdiraiymova
- Institution:
Kazachski Narodowy Uniwersytet im. Al-Farabi
- Author:
Meruert Shnarbekova
- Institution:
Kazachski Narodowy Uniwersytet im. Al-Farabi
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Political aspirations of the Kazakhstani youth
In the article data presented from the sociological research conducted in 2015 indicate that the participation of youth in politics and the interest is very low. Monitoring of political orientations in the projection on regional identity showed some significant differences: the youth of the “Northern”, “Western” and “Eastern” regions is with a tendency to the “troubled” perception of the political situation, while respondents of “Southern” and “Central” regions with the “neutral” assessment of and with a high degree of political tolerance and displaying the ability to political discourse. The political profile of young Kazakhs is characterized by a greater degree of uncertainty. Also, the boundaries of political preferences are blurred: the main factors of the formation of the ideological and political positions are to the greater extent cultural (preferences and stereotypes) rather than social factors.
- Author:
Olena Budnyk
- Author:
Piotr Mazur
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The issue of values in the education of young people is always relevant in the pedagogical literature. The main purpose of this article is to show the hierarchy of values of young people aged 12-15. The problem of the meaning of values in the lives of young people will be presented on the basis of our own research conducted among students from the Myślenice district (Poland) and Nadvirna district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine).
- Author:
Piotr Obacz
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Artykuł ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi na dwa istotne zjawiska, które mogą być w pewien sposób ze sobą powiązane. Pierwszym z nich jest indywiduacja – stawanie się i bycie sobą. Drugim zaś niechęć wobec inności, odmienności, różnorodności. W odniesieniu do obu tych problemów stawia się pytanie badawcze: czy niechęć wobec inności może być wyrazem obawy przez stawaniem się indywiduum? Bycie jednostką autentyczną, autonomiczną i odpowiedzialną – bycie sobą – stanowi dla wielu ludzi, szczególnie młodych, znaczące wyzwanie. Kształtowaniu (się) świadomości własnego istnienia jako odrębnej osoby towarzyszy formowanie określonego stosunku wobec innych ludzi. Warto jednak zbadać, w jaki sposób radzenie sobie z własnym „stawaniem się osobą”, przy jednoczesnym funkcjonowaniu w pewnych kontekstach społecznych, może oddziaływać na kształtowanie się postaw wobec inności. W badaniu stosuje się indywidualizującą perspektywę badawczą, skomponowaną m.in. na podstawie podejścia skoncentrowanego na osobie (person-centered approach) i wybranych założeniach egzystencjalnych.
- Author:
Radek Baselides
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Młodzi ludzie żyjący w środowiskach zróżnicowanych kulturowo stają przed różnymi decyzjami. Jedną z nich jest wybór partnera życiowego. Autor podejmie próbę poznania kryteriów, jakimi kieruje się młodzież podczas dokonywania tego wyboru, oraz jej opinii na temat małżeństw mieszanych narodowościowo. Scharakteryzowane zostały bariery społeczne, kulturowe i religijne postrzegane przez młode pokolenie Czechów i Polaków z Zaolzia w Republice Czeskiej.
- Author:
Karolina Szymaniak
- Institution:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The phenomenon of addiction to psychoactive substances is a global social problem. The problem concerns people of all ages, regardless of social status, gender or origin, with too many populations experimenting with intoxicants. The spreading phenomenon is increasingly affecting adolescents who, in the age of development and accessibility, are becoming a frequent consumer of consciousness-changing agents. The aim of the article is to approximate preventive measures that will reduce and eliminate the phenomenon of consumption of psychoactive substances by young people. The publication also addresses the issue of contemporary problems and threats that young people face in everyday life, as well as helps to find out the reasons for the use of toxic substances by adolescents. A significant part of the article is devoted to the role of the family, which plays a preventive role in eliminating the phenomenon. Not without significance is the school environment in which young people spend a significant amount of time. Preventive programs are also presented, which reduce the consumption of narcotic substances by adolescents.
- Author:
Tomasz Bajkowski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Białystok
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
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The family is the environment that leaves its mark and imprint the most in the structure of the human identity. This is because of both the broadly reaching and permanent character of impacts. Every family creates and regulates its particular familial identity. It can be seen as a kind of azimuth of feeling of being a member of an important, specific family community, despite the changes that are taking place in and around us. The text presents the results of research conducted in the group of academic youth regarding the level of the sense of satisfaction with the functioning of their family of origin and an attempt to capture the determinants of them. There are significant differences in the range of predictors building models for the whole group, compared to models built separately for the group of males and females. This indicates a high level of diversity in the perception of the family of origin system among the surveyed students. Analyses of the presented models show the image of academic youth who, in their life orientations, highly values the family as the basic reference point in the construction of their own identity. There is a visible focus on the community nature of its functioning, the quality of the relations of individual members of the system and the possibility of participating in the rules and rules developed in the family. The family identity that develops with said rules is a kind of negotiated creation of the family traditions recognized by them, with simultaneous outlined tendencies of deconstruction of the existing model ways of capturing the family structure, in favor of seeking a different view, which is a kind of adaptation of the system to dynamically changing socio-cultural conditions.
- Author:
Tomasz Bajkowski
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Rodzina jest środowiskiem, które w największym stopniu pozostawia swój ślad i piętno w strukturze tożsamości człowieka. Wynika to zarówno z szerokiego w swoich ramach, jak i permanentnego charakteru oddziaływań. Każda rodzina wytwarza i reguluje swoistą rodzinną tożsamość. W tekście przedstawione zostały wyniki badań prowadzonych w grupie młodzieży akademickiej dotyczących poziomu poczucia satysfakcji z funkcjonowania ich rodziny pochodzenia oraz próba uchwycenia czynników je warunkujących. Analizy prezentowanych modeli ukazują obraz młodzieży akademickiej, która w swoich orientacjach życiowych bardzo ceni rodzinę, jako podstawowy punkt odniesienia w konstrukcie ich własnej tożsamości. Widoczne jest duże zorientowanie na wspólnotowy charakter jej funkcjonowania, jakość relacji poszczególnych członków systemu oraz możliwość własnego partycypowania w zasadach i regułach wypracowywanych w rodzinie. Kształtująca się w nich tożsamość rodzinna jest pewnego rodzaju negocjowanym tworem uznanych przez nich tradycji rodzinnych, z jednoczesnymi zarysowanymi tendencjami dekonstrukcji dotychczasowych modelowych sposobów ujmowania struktury rodzinnej, na rzecz poszukiwania innego spojrzenia, które jest rodzajem adaptacji systemu do dynamicznie zmieniających się warunków społeczno-kulturowych.
- Author:
Karolina Szymaniak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Psychoactive substances that change consciousness have been accompanying man since time immemorial. They cause loss of control, disturbance of perception, change in perception of the world and the fall of one’s own humanity. The danger of addiction increasingly affects young people. Transformation of the family model, secularization, depression, stress and decline in value cause the phenomenon is gaining momentum. The potential that lies in the younger generation expires with every media information on drug gangs and alcohol robberies. The awakening of consciousness in the young generation seems crucial, so that they can refuse assertively and with full awareness. The content presented in the article shows an analysis of adolescents’ responses to the consumption of psychoactive substances by adolescents. The conclusions resulting from the article indicate the need for preventive measures on the part of the school and, above all, the family environment. The ability to work on one’s own weaknesses and finding a constructive alternative for spending free time are also key
- Author:
Natasza Lubik-Reczek
- Institution:
Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Youth Councils provide an excellent way to involve young people in civil activities. They are established by groups of young people selected by their peers in democratic elections usually organized in schools. Youth councilors are the representatives of all young people in a given territory. Their activity aims at increasing the sensitivity of local authorities to the needs of young people and giving opinions on the activities of local governments. It is their task to show that every person, including youngsters, can exert an impact on their surroundings. The establishment of Youth Councils can be beneficial for both parties: young people can take an active part in decision making, while local authorities can draw new ideas and inspiration from their cooperation with the young.
- Author:
Natasza Lubik-Reczek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Awakening of the young generation. Political activity of youth – a case study
In modern democracies, the fundamental type of political activities of citizens is electoral participation of all eligible groups. The appearance of the youth issue in the political discourse is the result of recognizing the young generation as a significant social group. The young generation is perceived through the prism of innovation, potential and driving force of any changes. In discussions about the future of democracy, the young generation appears very often as a sign of hope for a better world based on mutual understanding, respect, trust, and solidarity. The youngest voters have the potential to bring new values to social life thanks to which we can become a full-scale civil society. Therefore, it is important to mobilize this social group to exercise their full rights.
- Author:
Joanna Wanda Kozielska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Drawing inspiration from the research of C. Timoszyk-Tomczak (2003), who, analyzing the strategies and styles of constructing the future (realistic, authority, coercion, wishful thinking, expectations and carpe diem), drew attention to their diversity, which is a consequence of, among others, the context for whom the „constructor” lives, the multitude of his experiences and the range of possibilities to choose from, it was decided to examine the declarations of primary school youth on the planning strategies they choose. Students were asked to choose 2 descriptions that best explicate their current situation, assuming that young people can use several strategies simultaneously, creating their hybrids to various contexts of youthful functioning and areas under consideration. Students opting for any of the options provided information about their preferred style of action in terms of designing the future and making significant life decisions, also taking into account their temporative aspect. Which of the strategies for constructing the future they lean towards in their career endeavors - may be a determinant of their sense of professional satisfaction and a sense of achieving professional success versus its lack.