Nr 9

Spis treści

  • Author: The Editors
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 5-6
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: acno/9/acno2020toc.pdf

Słowo od redakcji

  • Author: Mirosław Lenart
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-8
  • DOI Address: -
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202000.pdf

Polski patriotyzm jako przywiązanie do wspólnych korzeni cywilizacji Zachodu. Refleksje na marginesie włoskiego wydania traktatu o. Józefa Marii (Innocentego) Bocheńskiego OP

  • Author: Mirosław Lenart
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 11-25
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202001.pdf

Polish patriotism as allegiance to the common roots of Western civilization. Reflections on another note of the Italian edition of the treatise by Father Józef Maria (Innocent) Bocheński OP

This article is the Polish version of the introduction to the Italian translation of the treatise by Father Józef Maria Bocheński OP (monastic name: Innocent) entitled: On patriotism. The author of the treatise, an outstanding Polish logician, lecturer at many universities in Europe and around the world, published his text originally intended for soldiers of the Polish II Corps fighting in Italy during the Second World War. The context of this edition, as well as the contemporary edition of the text in Italian (in the book: Alla guardia dello spirito e della fede. Il patriottismo polacco sulsuolo italiano neitestiripropostin el centenario della Battaglia di Varsavia (1920) e nel 25° anniversario della morte di padre Józef Maria (Di Innocenzo), a cura di M. Lenart, Opole University Press, Opole 2020) prompted the author of the article to show the value of patriotism in the context of Italian culture, in which this topic, and even the concept itself, is currently being eliminated from the public sphere. Thus, conducting discussions on topics related to patriotism encounters many difficulties despite the widespread belief in close cultural relations between Poland and Italy.

patriotism Polish national patriotism Italian patriotism

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Bezpieczeństwo II Rzeczpospolitej – oceny. 1 wrzesień 1939 r. – „niespodziewana” wojna z III Rzeszą i „zaskoczenie” agresją (17) Związku Sowieckiego

  • Author: Aleksander Woźny
  • Institution: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, Oddział Opole
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 27-83
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202002.pdf

The security of the II Republic – assessments 1 September 1939 – „unexpected” war with the III Reich and the „surprise” of the 17 September aggression by the Soviet Union

The Wehrmacht (German armed forces) attacked Poland without declaration of war on 1 September 1939, on the orders of the leader of the III Reich. Then, on 17 September, the Red Army forced the borders of the Polish II Republic. The title of the article reflects what Polish historiography will forever struggle with – whether the aggression by its western neighbour was “unexpected” and whether we can consider the invasion from its eastern neighbour a “surprise”. Above all, the question is whether the military (General Staff; military intelligence) and political leadership (Foreign Ministry) of the state foresaw beforehand the possibility of rift in Polish-German relations and the renewal of a German-Soviet alliance/pact (cooperation), which in consequence brought about undeclared war with Poland’s eastern neighbour. The presented article is in sections and presented in chronological order.

Republic of Poland security surprise war aggression

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Artist No Longer. Powrót Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego do Polski w grudniu 1918 r. na łamach francuskiej i brytyjskiej prasy

  • Author: Agnieszka Misiurska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 87-109
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202003.pdf

Artist No Longer. French and British press about Jan Paderewski’s come back to Poland in December 1918

This publication is devoted to the mission undertaken by Ignacy Jan Paderewski in December 1918, his arrival in Poland, through his visit to Poznań, until the successful political talks with Józef Piłsudski and the formation of a coalition government, which led to the recognition of the Warsaw authorities by the Entente countries and establishing the composition of the Polish delegation to the Paris peace conference shown the French and British press. The chronological scope of the article covers a relatively short period, which is, however, crucial for the reconstruction of independent Poland. For its needs, the outgoing press in France and Great Britain was reviewed and articles describing Paderewski’s activities at that time were analyzed. To achieve this purpose, the French and British newspaper titles were selected that represented different political circles and achieved a significant circulation. This publication is mainly based on the method of analyzing press sources, using the philological method, which in this case involves translating the texts of press articles from French and English. However, the key research method used to write this article is the comparative method, consisting in juxtaposing information relating to the same events at the turn of 1918 and 1919 in the French and British press, and pointing to similarities and differences in the terminology used and the assessment of Ignacy Paderewski and its activities.

Jan Paderewski press polish policy World War I

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Laurence Alma-Tadema (1865–1940) jako popularyzatorka historii i kultury polskiej

  • Author: Karolina Biedka
  • Institution: Szkoła Doktorska Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 111-133
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202004.pdf

Laurence Alma-Tadema (1865–1940) as a popularizer of Polish history and culture

The main goal of the article is to present the activities of the British poet and writer Laurence Alma-Tademy (1865–1940) to popularize Polish history and culture in Great Britain during World War I and in the preceding period. A biographical sketch of Alma-Tedema and the most important threads related to her pro-Polish activities are outlined. Various directions of her activity were presented, as well as her special relationship with the Polish pianist and composer Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Alma-Tademy’s relations with other Polish activists – Roman Dmowski and Henryk Sienkiewicz were also presented. Laurence Alma-Tadema, as she claimed, loved Poland and chose it as her homeland. She tried to familiarize the British with Polish culture and history. Moreover, her commitment to helping Polish victims of the war, now forgotten, is not without significance. The article discusses the most important aspects of Alma-Tademy’s work for the Polish cause.

Laurence Alma-Tadema popularization of Polish culture First World War war victims Ignacy Jan Paderewski Roman Dmowski

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Artystyczna droga Renaty Bogdańskiej w latach wojennej tułaczki i niełatwe powojenne życie Ireny Andersowej

  • Author: Barbara Kubis
  • Institution: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, Oddział Opole
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 135-161
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202005.pdf

Renata Bogdańska’s path down the road of art during the war wandering and the difficult post-war life of Irena Anders.

The article focuses on Irena Anders, the wife of General Władysław Anders. It is based on a variety of sources, mainly memoirs but also my own memories since I had the pleasure of getting to know this extraordinary lady in person. Renata Bogdańska – because this was her stage name – belonged to people who definitely knew what they wanted in life, and was always ready to face new challenges. She was musically gifted, sang beautifully and took part in performances of various theatrical groups. The Second World War had a huge influence on her life. She followed the fate of many other Poles from the Eastern Borderlands, marching among the army organized by Władyslaw Anders in the Soviet Union. The general made efforts to lead the Polish troops out of the Soviet Union, to Persia – controlled by the British forces. It was fate that brought these two together on the war trail. After the war, they got married and settled in London. Everyday post-war life was not easy, but the Mrs Anders worked hard to overcome all difficulties. She often visited Poland and spoke with pride about her patriotism and love for Poland. She had a warm, open personality and was very likeable.

autobiographical record world war 2 German occupation 2nd Polish Corps

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Od Mikołaja Kozakiewicza do Macieja Płażyńskiego. Szkice do portretu Marszałków Sejmu w latach 1989–2011

  • Author: Marek Białokur
  • Institution: Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 163-207
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202006.pdf

From Mikołaj Kozakiewicz to Maciej Płażyński. Sketches for the portrait of the Marshals of the Sejm in 1989–2011

The aim of the article is to present the biographies of the first five marshals of Polish parliaments in 1989–2011. The Marshals of the Sejm presented in short biographical sketches are figures who played an important role in Polish politics. Among them were politicians from various political groups. Two activists associated with the Polish people’s movement (Mikołaj Kozakiewicz and Józef Zych), one socialist from the former post-communist camp (Józef Oleksy) and two with a beautiful card in the anti-communist opposition and strongly associated with the Catholic Church (Wiesław Chrzanowksi and Maciej Płażyński). The Marshal of the Sejm is the speaker of the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament. The office traces its origins to the 15th century. In modern Poland, the full title is Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Today the Marshal of the Sejm is the chairman of the Presidium of the Sejm and the Convention of Seniors. The Marshal oversees the work of the Sejm, supervises procedural sessions of the Sejm, and convenes and chairs the proceedings of the Convention of Seniors and the Presidium of the Sejm. Since 1989 substitutes for the President of Poland in the event of that office’s vacancy.

Marshal of the Sejm Republic of Poland biography

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Pierwsza dekada przemian. Polska szkoła na łamach tygodników opinii (1989–1999)

  • Author: Dariusz Gołębiowski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 211-242
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202007.pdf

The first decade of transition. Polish school in opinion magazines (1989–1999)

The turn of 1989 did not bring any structural changes in education. For the next decade there was a two-tier general education system based on an 8-year primary school and a 4-year high school. This was the shape of the Polish school as early as 1961 and it did not change until the end of the 20th century. However, this does not mean that there were no changes in the educational system. Discussions on the shape and needs of the Polish school in the new political and economic reality were also reflected in the opinion magazines. The article is a concise analysis of texts dealing with the broadly understood economic condition of Polish schools, social position of teachers and school problems of children and young people appearing in “Polityka”, “Wprost” and “Tygodnik Powszechny” in the years 1989–1999.

reforms of education Education history of Polish press

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Konieczna lekcja uświadomienia historycznego młodzieży. Narodowa tradycja i współczesność

  • Author: Barbara Kubis
  • Institution: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, Oddział Opole
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 243-257
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202008.pdf

A much needed history awareness lesson for students. National tradition and the present day

This article focuses on the reflections from the period of lockdown and the risks brought by Covid-19 during Spring 2020. History is one of the key subjects that have a significant impact on the shaping of attitudes in a society, as well setting goals for the future, as well as the young. Historians teach how to interpret the past, important facts and essential universal values, and creativity in the pursuit of knowledge. The school education system should be open and implement a model based on showcasing different views and social phenomena. This is where the teachers and history lessons focus their efforts and work towards that common goal. The school education system allows the use of various sources of knowledge, teaching how to critically assess its content. It allows you to step beyond the textbook and support the formation of social awareness in the young generation.

educational reform history freedom patriotism history lesson

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Edukacja historyczna: Polska – Europa – świat. Jak przedstawiać historię Polski, by Europa i świat chciały ją poznawać?

  • Author: Kamil Adamus, Dariusz Gołębiowski
  • Institution: Szkoła Doktorska, Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Author: Halina Piszczek-Kaiser, Martina Mandera
  • Institution: Szkoła Doktorska, Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Author: Agnieszka Misiurska, Bartłomiej Morawski
  • Institution: Szkoła Doktorska, Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Author: Jerzy Sowiński, Zbigniew Witczak
  • Institution: Szkoła Doktorska, Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 259-300
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202009.pdf

Historical education: Poland – Europe – the World. How to present the history of Poland so that Europe and the world would like to get to know it?

This publication has been prepared by a group of doctoral studens at the Institute of History of the University of Opole, as a result of discussions on the prospects for the development of historical education in Poland, Europe and the world, undertaken during the course: Historical education: Poland – Europe – the World. The result of these considerations is this article, which proposes some possibilities of presenting the history of Poland in an objective manner, at the same time one that may arouse interest outside Poland. The content of the article is a proposal to promote prominent figures associated with Poland over the centuries, people of different sexes, professions and fields of activity: St. Wojciech, Radzim Gaudenty, queen Rycheza, the rhodium von Oppersdorff, Jan Ignacy Felbiger, Herbert Clark Hoover, Rosa Bailly and Karl Dedecius. What these characters have in common is their foreign origin and the fact that they liked Poland and its inhabitants, and influenced its history with their activities. The text contains short biographies of these people. Popularization of the activities of these characters can take place on various levels. It is worth devoting to them scientific conferences, looking at their activities from their homelands, various artistic and popularizing projects could be carried out on them. These characters could also be presented to a wider audience through mass culture.

historical education st. Wojciech Radzim Gaudenty Rycheza rhodium von Oppersdorff Felbiger’s reform Herbert Clark Hoover Rosa Bailly Karl Dedecius

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Produkt Historia–Polska–Europa–Świat

  • Author: Krystian Kazimierczuk
  • Institution: Uniwersyteckie I LO im. J. Słowackiego w Chorzowie
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 329-343
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202013.pdf

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