The Voivode Józef Potocki and the Prince Francis Rákóczi II
- Institution: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 43–57
- DOI Address:
- PDF: acno/8/acno201902.pdf
The recent revival of studies on the Hungarian War of Independence led by Francis Rákóczi II (1703-1711) since the last international conferences on this topic encouraged research on the most important events of European diplomacy in the period of the Spanish Succession War. The importance of the Hungarian War of Independence consists in its capacity of forcing the Habsburg Empire to open a secondary war in Hungary and thus improving France’s military dispositions. Prince Francis Rákóczi II, who is internationally by far the best-known member of his family, is one of the most popular national heroes.
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Spanish Succession War Hungarian War of Independence Francis Rákóczi II