Artystyczna droga Renaty Bogdańskiej w latach wojennej tułaczki i niełatwe powojenne życie Ireny Andersowej

  • Author: Barbara Kubis
  • Institution: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, Oddział Opole
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 135-161
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: acno/9/acno202005.pdf

Renata Bogdańska’s path down the road of art during the war wandering and the difficult post-war life of Irena Anders.

The article focuses on Irena Anders, the wife of General Władysław Anders. It is based on a variety of sources, mainly memoirs but also my own memories since I had the pleasure of getting to know this extraordinary lady in person. Renata Bogdańska – because this was her stage name – belonged to people who definitely knew what they wanted in life, and was always ready to face new challenges. She was musically gifted, sang beautifully and took part in performances of various theatrical groups. The Second World War had a huge influence on her life. She followed the fate of many other Poles from the Eastern Borderlands, marching among the army organized by Władyslaw Anders in the Soviet Union. The general made efforts to lead the Polish troops out of the Soviet Union, to Persia – controlled by the British forces. It was fate that brought these two together on the war trail. After the war, they got married and settled in London. Everyday post-war life was not easy, but the Mrs Anders worked hard to overcome all difficulties. She often visited Poland and spoke with pride about her patriotism and love for Poland. She had a warm, open personality and was very likeable.


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autobiographical record world war 2 German occupation 2nd Polish Corps

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