Identity – Africa – Biometrics

  • Author: Marcin Seńko
  • Institution: Independent researcher (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 15-30
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ajepss/2-2/ajepss2023202.pdf

There is currently a digital revolution ongoing across the globe that cannot be missed. It appears that it is bringing the newest solutions and answers to all latest requirements and expectations that seemed to be out of the reach for many decades. However, it is not only technology that is needed these days, but also societies are seeking credible tools and acceptable option implemented in order to provide an individual a state approved identity with access to legitimate services. Although each of us is subjected to rights and duties based on identity given from the very beginning of our lives, some may not have a chance to present a proof of this identity due to geographic, cultural or social issues. Various organizations both commercial and international, including state ones and NGOs, are concerned of a significant high rate of loss of opportunities by some due to lack of basic identification document, whether it is an old fashioned one or a digital ID. This paper brings some current activities and events for discussion in regards to response to deficiency in terms of equipping citizens of African countries with the latest type of identification document, which contains of access to multiple services. Moreover, while reading the study, it may be noticed the level of devotion and engagement by actors, which includes seeking and employing the best know-how practice and digital biometric traits. Thanks to such approach, some African countries may be already ahead of so-called “western developed economies”. However, digital biometrization of individuals could be a response to modern challenges on one side, and to crisis management and natural disasters on the other. The paper briefly describes the problem of identification with use of digital biometric features in Africa, and it rather invites others to carry out an independent research, as well encourage to discussion on advantages and disadvantages for using biometrics in the process of identification.


digitalization ID4A Africa Biometrics identity identification

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