Globalization Processes in Sub-Saharan African Countries – A Case Study of Kenya and Tanzania
- Institution: University of Economics in Katowice (Poland)
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 31-40
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ajepss/2-2/ajepss2023203.pdf
The aims of this article are: (1) presentation of changes in the level of globalization in Kenya and Tanzania (2) comparison of countries in terms of globalization level (3) identification of the main globalization processes taking place in the countries. To ensure economic development in Tanzania and Kenya, it is necessary to implement globalization processes and monitor the level of globalization. For this purpose, statistical data analysis and comparative analysis using the KOF Index have been employed. Progressing globalization was found in Kenya and Tanzania, and based on this, it was decided to make a thorough analysis of which aspects have increased the most. For this purpose, the KOF Index of Globalisation analysis was used for these countries and on this basis the strongest development areas in the last 22 years were identified, as well as a comparative analysis of globalization in Kenya and Tanzania was made. The studies have shown that the level of globalization is increasing in both Kenya and Tanzania, with Kenya exhibiting a higher level. This difference might primarily stem from the economic policy orientation – Kenya focuses on trade openness, whereas Tanzania emphasizes support for domestic sectors of the economy and local entrepreneurs. The areas in which countries have developed the most are social processes. The ongoing processes of globalization can support both the growth and economic development of the analyzed countries, thereby potentially help reduce the main social and economic challenges in Kenya and Tanzania.
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