Language-in-Education Policy and Academic Performance of Students: the Case of Tanzania

  • Author: Yuliia Shevchenko
  • Institution: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine)
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 41-48
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ajepss/2-2/ajepss2023204.pdf

This article explores language-in-education (LIE) policies within post-colonial contexts, with a specific focus on Tanzania. It provides a systematic exploration of the multifaceted factors that shape these policies and their profound impact on academic performance and educational outcomes in the country. Specifically, the article examines the relationship between policies prioritizing students’ mother tongue or familiar language and academic performance. Additionally, it assesses the influence of policies favouring the language of the past colonizer on academic outcomes in primary and secondary education. The theoretical foundation of this study is Critical Theory, a framework which illuminates the power dynamics and social inequalities inherent in policy development and implementation. It provides insights into how dominant linguistic groups exert influence in decision-making processes and how language policies perpetuate existing social hierarchies. The study holds significant research value, as it addresses the pivotal role of LIE policies in shaping educational outcomes and socio- economic opportunities within multilingual societies. It acknowledges the contentious nature of language and education debates within the African context, especially in primary education. A key contribution of this research is its holistic approach. Unlike studies that solely focus on academic performance metrics or isolated variables, it considers a wide range of societal, historical, and political factors that intersect with language policies. This comprehensive view allows for a deeper understanding of the challenges posed by English as a third language in Tanzania’s educational system. Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of engaging multiple stakeholders, ensuring teacher readiness, and incorporating the perspectives of students to effectively implement LIE policies. It emphasizes the need for increased government commitment and public awareness to develop inclusive and equitable policies that promote quality education and social justice. In conclusion, this article offers valuable insights into the complex landscape of LIE policies in Tanzania. It calls for a nuanced approach that considers the unique context of each post-colonial nation to develop pragmatic and equitable language policies conducive to desired educational outcomes.


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language-in-education postcolonialism Tanzania Language policy academic performance Education

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