Rola Inicjatywy Pasa i Szlaku w równoważeniu stosunków handlowych między Polską a Chinami: analiza przepływów międzygałęziowych
- Institution: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 5-31
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ap/28/ap2801.pdf
The Role of the Belt and Road Initiative in Balancing Trade Relations between Poland and China: An Input-Output Analysis
Trade relations between Poland and China remain asymmetric. The introduction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its related formats was intended to balance trade relations between China and its trading partners. The study aims to track the value-added flows between Poland and China. Two research questions were posed: 1) whether Chinese initiatives aimed at balancing trade relations are reflected in more balanced flows of added value between Poland and China; 2) whether the role of Poland as a supplier of added value to China is growing as a result of the introduction of BRI and related initiatives. The study used Inter-Country Input-Output in input-output models. The findings show that Poland’s position in global production links with China has deteriorated in many industries and plays a minor role in the Chinese industry. On the other hand, BRI had a very limited impact on balancing the value-added flows between China and Poland only in a few industries.
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wartość dodana globalne łańcuchy produkcji value added global value chains Chiny Polska Poland China