Mongołowie północnych Chin wobec ekspansji japońskiej

  • Author: Katarzyna Golik
  • Institution: Institute of Political Studies PAN
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 60-68
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ap/19/ap1903.pdf

The Mongols of Northern China in the face of Japanese expansion

The historic turmoils of the first part of the XXth century in Northern China had a great impact on the Mongols in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia. Worth reminding is that the Mongols were both – a subject and an object of the political game of the Chinese (both parties – CCP and GMD), the Japanese and the Russians. As the main power-holders during the Qing period, Han Chinese were able to expand their political culture and governance in the minority regions, which was interrupted with the internal conflicts and expansion of the neighboring empires. The Mongols, as the weaker side, collaborated with all of the main actors, which at the end gave them a strong position in the victorious Communist Party and forgiveness of sins such as creating the Japanese-allied puppet state Mengjiang and the autonomous regions in Manchukuo. Despite that fact, the period of the Japanese influence transmission became an important factor shaping modern national dynamics in the region.

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