Odnalezione w tłumaczeniu. Polska literatura oraz jej tłumacze w krajach Azji Wschodniej

  • Author: Paulina Rasińska
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 78-89
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap201305
  • PDF: ap/16/ap1605.pdf

Found in Translation. Polish Literature and Its Translation in East Asia

The article is an analysis of the presence of Polish literature in Asian countries, namely China, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea, as well as a presentation of Asian translators of Polish literature. The Book Institute is one of the most important cultural institutions whose aim is to promote Polish literature abroad. Every year, the Book Institute awards a translator who has had the greatest contribution in the field of translation of Polish novels or poems. Last year, the person recognized for her work was a Chinese translator, Yi Lijun. Polish literature is becoming more and more popular in Asia; however, it has not gained extreme popularity, yet. The greatest number of Asian translators come from China and Vietnam, the two countries bound with Poland with historical ties in the time of communism, when vivid students’ exchange programmes existed between Poland (and other partner countries) and the countries of the region. The factor in favour of making Polish literature more popular in Asia is the establishment of Polish Languages Departments at the universities of Beijing, Seoul, and Tokyo. The most distinguished translators of Polish literature include: Yuan Hanrong, Wu Lan, Zhang Zhenhui, Lin Hongliang from China; Mitsuyoshi Numano, Tokimasa Sekiguchi, Hikaru Ogara from Japan; Nguyen Van Thai, Nguyen Thi Thanh from Vietnam; and Lee Jiwone and Estera Choj from South Korea.

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