Pomiędzy drażliwą kwestią polityczną a atrakcją turystyczną: mniejszości etniczne w Wietnamie
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication: 2012
- Source: Show
- Pages: 138-162
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap201206
- PDF: ap/15/ap1506.pdf
Between a sensitive political matter and a tourist attraction: ethnic minorities in Vietnam
The article presents the issue of ethnic minorities in Vietnam, taking into account two dimensions of their presence in the social and political life of the country. From the begging of the Vietnamese Communist regime, ethnic diversity has been the subject of intense interest of the communist politicians. Different ethnic minorities played a complex role in the times of the First and the Second Indochina War, remaining a challenge for the national policy of the state. Various strategies have been adapted by the authorities in order to gain the support of minorities, as well as to strengthen national unity. In recent years another aspect of the ethnic diversity of Vietnam gained importance – namely the role of minorities as an attraction, receiving attention from foreign and domestic tourists. The importance of both described dimensions can be noted through an analysis of the representation of ethnic minorities present in the Vietnamese Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi. This paper will be dedicated to the presentation of the ethnic structure of Vietnam in the above contexts.