O wpływie dziedzictwa Sunzi na strategie negocjacyjne w Azji Wschodniej: różnice kulturowe między Malajami, a Chińczykami

  • Author: Maciej Kremplewski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet SWPS
  • Year of publication: 2007
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 183-195
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap200710
  • PDF: ap/10/ap1010.pdf


The paper concerns cultural differences in business negotiations and ethnic stereotypes. The author poses the question whether the heritage of the famous Sun Zi’s strategic tradition infl uenced behaviour of East Asian business partners.
The paper presents the research carried out on the two sample groups: Polish and Malaysian. They were composed of businessmen who in the past participated in business negotiations in different cultural environments – especially European and Asian. Research was based on questionnaires that had to disclose respondent’s attitude towards his Asian or Western partners, and his opinions on their business negotiations.
The preliminary research has been carried out in Poland and concerned Polish businessmen who had the experience of negotiations with the Chinese partners. The author wanted to verify the thesis that the Chinese partners use stratagems and tricks. The question was: did the Polish businessmen notice such actions and what they think about their Chinese partners.
The second, essential part of the research has been conducted in Malaysia. Since it is a multi-ethnic country, where most of the business remains in the Chinese hands, the author presumed that during the acculturation process the Malays could have adopted patterns of strategic thinking based on manipulation and deception, typical for the practices of the Chinese.
The collected data indicate a much more complex situation, although the sample groups were too small to make definite conclusions. The answers to the both question posed was negative. The Polish negotiators appreciated competence of the Chinese partners, but did not notice the use of stratagems. The Malays – mostly Muslims – rejected the resort to stratagems as immoral, improper for religious reasons. However, they highly appreciate effi ciency of the Chinese businessmen and their professional competence that include the use of sophisticated strategies. Hence the Malay businessmen felt more vulnerable in negotiations. They also highly appreciated the professional competence of Western businessmen. On the other hand they manifested contempt to the Hindu local partners, considered unreliable and immoral.

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