Klasztory buddyjskie w życiu społecznym Birmy

  • Author: Maung Than Htun Aung
  • Institution: Uniwersytet SWPS
  • Year of publication: 2006
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 222-239
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ap200612
  • PDF: ap/9/ap0912.pdf


The study is based mainly on Author’s personal experience. He outlines general characteristics of Theravada Buddhism in Burma (referring to the fundamental work by Melford E. Spiro). The emphasis is put on the lacking division between the sacrum and profanum, and on the traditional deep involvement of the state into religious affairs. The Author describes the Burmese monastery as an „autonomous and open structure” – a centre of local social life. He indicates the close mutual bounds of the monks with the society. The reader is offered a list of monks’ essential functions, a description of their internal hierarchy, and of the structure of monastery (the nature and functions of its principal buildings). A short characteristics of monastery’s inhabitants is also given with a particular emphasis on „novices” (koyin) – boys temporarily admitted to a monastery. The ritual of their ordination is also presented. The Author concludes his description with short remarks on monks’ life: on the principal norms, their education, and the standard timetable of the day.

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