Interesy Chin w Azji Centralnej

  • Author: Aleksandra Zamaraeva
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Year of publication: 2005
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 143-160
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ap/8/ap0808.pdf


The article presents the evolutionary character of China policy in regards Central Asia. This state has had its interests in the region for a long time. However, during the existence of Soviet Union, implementation of those interests was impossible. After the situation dramatically changed in 1991, the new possibilities of activity in Central Asia occurred before China.
In the initial period, Beijing was afraid of possible reaction of Russian Federation authorities towards its own policy in the region continually seen as Russian backyard. That’s why in the beginning of 90’s efforts of Chinese diplomacy concentrated on solving crucial problem of determining borders with fledgling Central Asian countries. As a result of multilateral meetings with three neighboring Central Asian countries and Russia, China signed series of agreements, which were named “Shanghai Agreement”. This agreement became the base of creating consultation forum of „Shanghai Five”, where were discussed not only issues connected with borders but also security, trade and political matters. Beijing wanted the meetings of „Shanghai Five” to become more formal, broaden its activities and to rope in more Central Asian states. The new organization, named Shanghai Cooperation Organization, also joined by Uzbekistan, began its activity in 2001.
Nowadays, economical cooperation with Central Asian region became a strategic one, mainly because of increasing demands of China for energy resources and welfare of neighboring with Central Asian states Xinjiang province.
Important, in Chinese point of view, is the issue of joint countermeasurement against growing terrorist threat, separatism and religious extremism. Political interests of Beijing in Central Asia are also becoming more visible. The aim is not to let the hostile force to emerge in the region. Chinese authorities also want to gain Central Asian states for it’s own multipolar security system, defying it to americanocentric ideas of hegemony represented by USA. SCO forum is often used as an arena of convincing Central Asian states to China’s raison d’etat.
Chinese influences in the region are still growing. Taking into account attention that Beijing pays to its “Go West” campaign, it’s possible to state that this process will proceed.

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