Strategia i polityka rozwoju Zachodnich Chin, a stosunki gospodarczo-handlowe z sąsiednimi państwami Azji Centralnej

  • Author: Paweł Milewski
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 198-213
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ap/7/ap0710.pdf


It has been 25 years since China embarked on the path of economic modernization and openness. Although China continues its spectacular economic growth and the fast pace of GDP reached 9,1 percent in 2003 the internal economic situation is very complex. The widening prosperity gap between urban and rural areas and geographically between East and West China is a crucial for the government in Beijing. The growing disparities between different regions forced the central government to start special western development strategy four years ago to help the relatively backward west catch up with the more well-off east. The main purpose of so called “Go West” strategy is to guarantee the sustainable development of overall China’s economy. As admitted by Premier Wen Jiabao the strategy as far has been steady but remains a long-term and difficult task for at least next few decades.
The success of reforms in the Western China means also the necessity of its opening to the outside world. Chinese authorities consider the development of western regions in terms of China economic policy towards the region of Central Asian. Although the most immediate and pressing China’s interests in the region revolve around issues of national security its still growing energy demand and searching for the new markets make the region very attractive to Beijing. China’s export routes and a potential role as an economic engine for greater Central Asia offer China a potentially role in the region; development and a strong position from which to fulfill its own development needs.
China plays an active and crucial role in Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Its eagerness to emphasize the growing need of economic cooperation among all the members show the direction of the Chinese foreign economic policy in the region. China’s economic interest and presence in Central Asia are expanding quickly and have considerable potential. Interests of the other players, particularly USA and Russia in the region and the growing competition have to be considered as an important challenge to the China’s continuing emergence in Central Asia.

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