Śródziemnomorski Shakespeare. Libretto Arriga Boita do Falstaffa Giuseppe Verdiego

  • Author: Kamila Stępień-Kutera
  • Institution: Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9009-8248
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-14
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/CDM.2022.1.01
  • PDF: cdm/1/cdm101.pdf

Kamila Stępień-Kutera Mediterranean Shakespeare. Libretto by Arrigo Boito to Giuseppe Verdi’s Falstaff

The article presents the circumstances of the creation of Falstaff by Giuseppe Verdi, his last opera, one of the two to a libretto by Arrigo Boito. The author reveals behind the scene of working on that masterpiece referring to source materials that include, among other documents, fragments of letters by Verdi, Boito and Giulio Ricordi, translated by the author and published for the first time in Polish. The key features of Boito’s libretto – sources he used, his attitude to Shakespeare’s originals, versification and poetic means are also discussed (the article provides us with the fragments of the libretto both in the original language – Italian and, similarly to the letters, in the author’s translation). The article is an adapted version of fragments of the author’s doctoral thesis Arrigo Boito and his concepts of the opera, supervised by professor Michał Bristiger and defended at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2014.


  • Aycock Roy E., Shakespeare, Boito and Verdi, „The Musical Quarterly” 1972, vol. 58, nr 4 (październik).
  • Boito Arrigo, Falstaff, [w:] idem, Opere, red.Mario Lavagetto, „Collezione I Garzanti. I Grandi Libri”, Mediolan 1979.
  • Carteggio Verdi – Boito, red. Mario Medici i Marcello Conati, współpraca Marisa Casati, Parma 1978.
  • Girardi Michele, French Sources of „Falstaff” and Some Aspects of Its Musical Dramaturgy, przeł. William Ashbrook, „The Opera Quarterly” 1995, vol. 11, nr 3.
  • Hepokoski James A., Giuseppe Verdi: „Falstaff”, „Cambridge Opera Handbooks”, Cambridge 1983.
  • Lavagetto Mario, Arrigo Boito. La vita. Profilo storico-critico dell’autore e dell’opera. Guida bibliografica, [w:] Arrigo Boito, Opere, red. Mario Lavagetto, „Collezione I Garzanti. I Grandi Libri”, Mediolan 1979.
  • Marek George R., „Falstaff” – Boito’s Alchemy, „The Opera Quarterly” 1983, vol. 1, nr 2 (lato).
  • Shakespeare William, Henryk IV cz. I i II, przeł. Stanisław Barańczak, Kraków 1998.
  • Shakespeare William, Wesołe kumoszki z  Windsoru, przeł. Stanisław Barańczak, Kraków 1998.

19th-century opera Mediterranean culture libretto The Merry Wives of Windsor William Shakespeare Falstaff Arrigo Boito Giuseppe Verdi

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