Theory and practice in the implementation of intercultural education using information and communication technologies (ICT)
- Institution: University of Rzeszów
- Institution: University of Rzeszów
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 180-193
- DOI Address:
- PDF: em/27/em2713.pdf
In the article, the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) is highlighted in the context of intercultural education and the ways are identified in which modern technologies can support the development of intercultural competencies. The authors analyze the theoretical foundations of intercultural education and the practical aspects of using ICT in the process of intercultural learning. By integrating ICT with intercultural education, it becomes possible to promote both the understanding of cultural diversity and collaboration skills in a globalized world. On the basis of the presented foundations of intercultural education, it is pointed out that ICT enables global access to information concerning different cultures, fostering understanding and tolerance towards intercultural differences. In their discourse, the authors focus on the possibilities of creating interactive educational environments using ICT, which stimulates active participation in the cultures of other communities. The article demonstrates that the use of ICT allows for the personalization of the teaching process, adapting it to the individual needs of students and supporting the development of their intercultural competencies. Additionally, the significance of virtual reality (VR) and distance learning in the context of intercultural education is analyzed, emphasizing their role in stimulating intercultural situations and global cultural exchange.
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ICT (information and communication technologies) virtual reality intercultural education e-learning culture